Code: Select all
#include ""
function Main()
hb_Run( "export > info.txt" ) // list environment variables, use GetEnv() to retrieve their values
MsgInfo( MemoRead( "info.txt" ) )
return nil
Code: Select all
#include ""
function Main()
hb_Run( "export > info.txt" ) // list environment variables, use GetEnv() to retrieve their values
MsgInfo( MemoRead( "info.txt" ) )
return nil
Code: Select all
#include ""
function Main()
hb_Run( "pwd > info.txt" ) // print working directory
MsgInfo( MemoRead( "info.txt" ) )
return nil
Code: Select all
#include ""
function Main()
MemoWrit( "", "am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d" )
hb_Run( "sh > info.txt" )
MsgInfo( MemoRead( "info.txt" ) )
return nil