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TSBROWSE 7 updated

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:24 pm
by jose_murugosa
You can download this class of Manuel Mercado in our blog:

Thanks Manuel for your contribution!! :D


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:51 pm
by TimStone
Am I correct that this revision was built with the Borland compiler ?

Is it compatible with xbuilder / xcc ? ( November 2007 release )
Is it compatible with fwh 8.02 ?
Is it compatible with ADS 8 ?

Thank you.

Tim :D

Error on 470

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:29 pm
by demont frank
On line METHOD REFRESH(lPaint) :

( ::cAlias )->(Eval( ::bLogicLen ))

NOT ( ::cAlias )->Eval( ::bLogicLen )

Code: Select all

 METHOD Refresh( lPaint ) INLINE If( ::lFirstPaint == Nil .or. ::lFirstPaint, 0, ( ;
                                       ::nLen := If( ::lIsDbf, ( ::cAlias )->(Eval( ::bLogicLen )) , ;
                                       Eval( ::bLogicLen ) ), ::lNoPaint := .F. , Super:Refresh( lPaint ) ) )
The ch-files are hard coded in tsbrowse.prg , tscolumn.prg and debug.prg
Better is to use no path :

Working with a xbp-file , is better to use
# include ""
instead off "c:\fwh\"

In step 2 can the include path's be set , so it is possible to test with different fwh versions


Re: Compatibility

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:54 pm
by mmercado
Hi Tim:
TimStone wrote:Am I correct that this revision was built with the Borland compiler ?
You are Right
TimStone wrote:Is it compatible with xbuilder / xcc ? ( November 2007 release )
Don't know, I don't have nor use it
TimStone wrote:Is it compatible with fwh 8.02 ?
Yes in my tests it's running ok
TimStone wrote:Is it compatible with ADS 8 ?
Don't know I don't use ADS, every ADS stuff in TSBrowse has been done by other TSBrowse contributors.

Best regards

Manuel Mercado

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:01 pm
by mmercado
Hi Frank:

Nice to see you again, many thanks for your feedback (welcome as always)

Best regards

Manuel Mercado

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:12 pm
by Silvio
dear Manuel,
where i can found a sample with trasparent sbrowse as the window you insert on this forum ?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:42 pm
by mmercado
Hi Silvio:
Silvio wrote:where i can found a sample with trasparent sbrowse as the window you insert on this forum ?
See SBtest.prg sample 7 in TSBrowose\Samples there you have a VerCe file to build the executable

Best regards.

Manuel Mercado

ps I'm revising TSButton about your transparency request, but it'll take a while because TSButton is now in major surgery :-)

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:09 pm
by Gale FORd
I have added some things to TSbrowse and was wondering if you would like to add them to the official version.

DATA bLDblClickHeader // custom function for header (change order etc)
DATA bAddColumn // add/ins column block
DATA lColChanged // if a column was moved, added, inserted, freeze changed, or sized. I use this to know if the browse information needs to be saved.

// Right click header additions.
Insert Column - If bAddColumn defined
Add Column - If bAddColumn defined
Freeze Column - If .not. ::lLockFreeze
Unlock Freeze Column - If .not. ::lLockFreeze .and. ::nFreeze > 0

// Add RMDBFCDX to cRDDName list (Same syntax as Comix)


I really like the browser.
