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All Var-Def's switching Outl2003Child<>Office2007Bar

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:37 pm
by ukoenig
Hello from Germany,

During my work on the new DB-Tool,
i needed var-informations in the Office2007-Bar
from a Outlook-Child after changes.
Here are all Values you need :

RECEIVE Values from a Outlook2003-Child
in a Office2007-ButtonBar
GET = oGet:Value(), oGet:Refresh()
SAY = oSay:Varget(), oSay:Refresh()
RADIO = oRadio:nOption, oRadio:Refresh()
CHECKBOX = oCheck:Varget(), oCheck::Refresh()

SEND new Values from Office2007-ButtonBar
to a Outlook2003-Child
RADIO = aScope:nOption(2), aScope:Refresh()
for .T.
CHECK = oCheck:Check(), oCheck:Refresh()
for .F.
CHECK = oCheck:UnCheck(), oCheck:Refresh()
GET = oGet:VarPut("NewValue"), oGet:Refresh()
SAY = oSay:VarPut("NewValue"), oSay:Refresh()


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:00 pm
by James Bott
oGet:value() just calls oGet:VarGet() so you can use either one.

METHOD Value() INLINE ::VarGet()

VarGet() may be easier to remember since SAYs, GETs, Comoboxes, and RadioMenus all have a VarGet() method. This is polymorphism (same names in different objects) which is a very important feature of OOP. This allows you to do thing like:

uValue:= oDlg:aControls:varGet()

Where aControls is an array of control objects.
