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TXBrowse nAt() and nColSel

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:19 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr Antonio

In one of the recent revisions of TXBrowse, the new method nAt was introduced.

Under what circumstances oBrw:nAt() and oBrw:nColSel give different values?

Method nAt returns ::ColPos( ::SelectedCol() )
Method SelectedCol() returns ::ColAtPos( ::nColSel ) and in turn ColAtPos( ::nColSel ) returns ::aDisplay[ ::nColSel ]
Therefore SelectedCol() returns ::aDisplay[ ::nColSel ]
Method ColPos( ::SelectedCol() ) appears to be equivalent to ColPos( ::aDisplay[ ::nColSel ] ) returning the position in ::aDisplay, which is again ::nColSel.

From the above it appears that oBrw:nAt() always returns ::nColSel. If so where is the need for the method nAt() ?

If the intention is to have naming compatibility with TWBrowse and TCBrowse, nAt should have been named nColAct(). This helps easy migration from TWBrowse or TCBrowse to TXBrowse.

Do I miss something?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:48 am
by Antonio Linares

nAt() was intruduced in October 2007 with the purpose to know the current array selected element, not to query a selected column, even if they provide the same value.