xbrowse - SetArray
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:11 pm
Now, SetArray method resets all columns already defined if any ( ::aCols := {} ). If we use the new command set provided for xbrowse like this :
If the following change is made in SetArray method to automatically define the columns only if the columns are not already defined, the above code works as expected. The suggested change is
With this change the above code works well
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function xbrindialog( alin )
local odlg, obrw
define dialog odlg size 640,440 pixel
@ 10,10 xbrowse obrw ;
fields str(alin[obrw:narrayat][1],2), ;
alin[obrw:narrayat][2], ;
alin[obrw:narrayat][3] ;
headers 'cod','description','cd' ;
size 300,200 pixel of odlg
// at this stage the columns are arleady defined
obrw:setarray(alin) // now setarray erases all the column defs
activate dialog odlg centered
return nil
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if empty( ::acols ) // NEW
::aCols := {}
for nFor := 1 to len( aData[ 1 ] )
< ........... code ......... >
endif // NEW