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XBrowse – show lines slashed

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 4:29 pm
by Otto
Is it possible to show some lines in a crossed out font?
Thanks in advance

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:56 am
by Antonio Linares

You have to replace each column row DATA oDataFont

Its not a codeblock so you have to do it manually

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:49 pm
by Otto
Thank you, Antonio. I got it working.


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:07 pm
by Richard Chidiak

Would you mind sharing the way you did it (the font issue)

Antonio, a codeblock would be a good idea for column data, it could be evaluated easilly


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:10 pm
by Otto
Hello Richard,
here is the define of the font:
StrikeOut is not in!!!
oFNT := TFont():New( "MS Sans Serif", 10, 15,,.T.,,,,.f.,.f.,.t.,,,,, )

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:15 pm
by Richard Chidiak

My concern is how did you draw a different font per column without a codeblock being evaluated

Thanks for help


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:43 pm
by Otto
Do you mean per column or row?
column is standard in xBrowser:

oCol := oxBrw:AddCol()
oCol:cHeader := "...."
oCol:oHeaderFont := oWHSetup:oFntKlein()
oCol:bStrData := { || ...}
---> oCol:oDataFont := oFntAnzeig
oCol:nWidth := 181

Try my snipkeeper.exe.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:17 am
by Otto
Hello Antonio,
I did some changes to get rowFont for each column.

Could you please have a look if these changes are save.
xBrowser is very complex and I don't feel secure about my own changes.

In xbrowse-class i made 5 chances:
Please see the red lines

1) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//

CLASS TXBrowse FROM TControl

DATA bClrHeader,; // default color pair for header
bClrFooter,; // default color pair for footer
bClrStd,; // default color pair for normal rows
bClrSel,; // default color pair for selected row
bClrSelFocus,; // default color pair for selected row when control has focus
bFntRowData // default color pair for edition

2) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//

METHOD New( oWnd ) CLASS TXBrowse

::bFntRowData := {|| oWnd:oFont }

3) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//

DATA bClrHeader,; // default color pair for header
bClrFooter,; // default color pair for footer
bClrStd,; // default color pair for normal rows
bClrSel,; // default color pair for selected row
bClrSelFocus,; // default color pair for selected row when control has focus
bClrEdit,; // default color pair for edition
4) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//

METHOD Adjust() CLASS TXBrwColumn

DEFAULT ::bClrHeader := ::oBrw:bClrHeader,;
::bClrFooter := ::oBrw:bClrFooter,;
::bClrStd := ::oBrw:bClrStd,;
::bClrSel := ::oBrw:bClrSel,;
::bClrSelFocus := ::oBrw:bClrSelFocus ,;
::bClrEdit := ::bClrStd,;
::bFntRowData := ::oBrw:bFntRowData

5) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//

METHOD PaintData( nRow, nCol, nHeight, lHighLite, lSelected, nOrder ) CLASS TXBrwColumn

hDC := ::oBrw:GetDC()
oFont := ::oDataFont

if ::bFntRowData != nil

oFont := Eval( ::bFntRowData )



In your prg-file adress the codeblock like:

oxBrw:bFntRowData := { || f_fntRowData() }

LOCAL oFntRow:=""

IF (ordkeyno()) % 2 == 0
oFntRow := oWHSetup:oFntKlein()
oFntRow := oWHSetup:oFntGross()
RETURN (oFntRow)

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:22 am
by Antonio Linares

Instead of adding a new DATA, we could check if ::oDataFont contains a codeblock:

Code: Select all

METHOD PaintData( nRow, nCol, nHeight, lHighLite, lSelected, nOrder ) CLASS TXBrwColumn 

oFont := ::oDataFont 

if ValType( oFont ) == "B"
   oFont = Eval( oFont, Self )
Anyhow, there are more places where this must be checked. See next msg

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:25 am
by Antonio Linares

Code: Select all

METHOD DataHeight() CLASS TXBrwColumn
   if ::bStrData != nil .and. ::oDataFont != nil
      if ValType( ::oDataFont ) == "B"
         nHeight := FontHeight( ::oBrw, Eval( ::oDataFont, Self ) )
         nHeight := FontHeight( ::oBrw, ::oDataFont )

Code: Select all

METHOD DataWidth() CLASS TXBrwColumn
   if ::bStrData != nil
       cText := Eval( ::bStrData, Self )
       nLen  := Len( cText )
       if ValType ( ::oDataFont ) == "B"
          oFont = Eval( ::oDataFont, Self )
          oFont = ::oDataFont
       while nFrom <= nLen
         cLine  := ExtractLine( cText, @nFrom )
         cLine  := Replicate( "B", Len( cLine ) )
         nWidth := Max( nWidth, ::oBrw:GetWidth( cLine, oFont ) )

Code: Select all

METHOD CreateButtons() CLASS TXBrwColumn
      ::oBtnList:SetFont( If( ValType( ::oDataFont ) == "B", Eval( ::oDataFont, Self ), ::oDataFont ) )
      ::oBtnElip:SetFont( If( ValType( ::oDataFont ) == "B", Eval( ::oDataFont, Self ), ::oDataFont ) )

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:15 am
by Otto
>Instead of adding a new DATA, we could check if ::oDataFont contains a codeblock:
oxBrw:bFntRowData := { || }
I think we need to know what Font should be used.

Antonio, do you think 8.01 will have a codeblock for different row height.
For the moment I have hard coded the functionality for my neccessity.

So I can wait for 8.01.


Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:21 am
by Antonio Linares

But oxBrw:bFntRowData := { || }
I think we need to know what Font should be used.

Each column can have a different font, and the font can change in the same column too. oDataFont is ok for that. Unless I am missing something.

Antonio, do you think 8.01 will have a codeblock for different row height.
For the moment I have hard coded the functionality for my neccessity.

If we have enough time then we will work to include it

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:28 pm
by Otto
Thank you.

I meant not different row height but Font.

Although row height would be nice too depending how much text (memofield) you have.

Could you please post a little example how this font codeblock should look like
and how to evaluate.

At the moment I use this to get the different fonts per column:

oCol:bFntRowData := { || f_fntRowData() }

LOCAL oFntRow:=""

IF (ordkeyno()) % 2 == 0
oFntRow := oFnt1

oFntRow := oFnt2
RETURN (oFntRow)

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:22 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr Antonio

My small suggestion. Instead of having a public data bRowfont or oFont holding either codeblock or font object, if oFont is a setget method( access assign ) we do not have to search where all we need to change in the code.

In my personal copy I have done the same for cFooter so that it works without breaking or making too many changes in the orginal source.

my 2 cents

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:26 pm
by Antonio Linares

You use it exactly the same way:

Code: Select all

oCol:oDataFont := { || f_fntRowData() } 

LOCAL oFntRow:="" 

IF (ordkeyno()) % 2 == 0 
oFntRow := oFnt1 
oFntRow := oFnt2 
RETURN (oFntRow)