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question about new 7.12 ( xbrowse and msgitem)

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:15 am
by Silvio
this is a image of my application
and I have some graphics errors
the first U can see the arrow on the header of xbrowse : all not are trasparent

then there is an image on msgiten the space of each iten not is with the brush of 2007 style

How to correct it ?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:49 am
by Silvio
I have the same problem with btnbmp
I have rem line 790 and I have insert these lines

Gradient( ::hDC, { 0, 0, ::nHeight / 4, ::nWidth },;
If( ! ::lMOver, nRGB( 219, 230, 244 ), nRGB( 255, 253, 222 ) ),;
If( ! ::lMOver, nRGB( 207, 221, 239 ), nRGB( 255, 231, 151 ) ), .T. )
Gradient( ::hDC, { ( ::nHeight / 4 ) + 1, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth },;
If( ! ::lMOver, nRGB( 201, 217, 237 ), nRGB( 255, 215, 84 ) ),;
If( ! ::lMOver, nRGB( 231, 242, 255 ), nRGB( 255, 233, 162 ) ), .T. )

it run ok when I use this command

Code: Select all

                                          FILE ".\bitmaps\ok.BMP" ;
                                          ACTION(lReg:=.T.,oDlt:End()) ;   
                                          PROMPT "  Conferma"  LEFT        
                          REDEFINE BTNBMP oBtn2 ID 2 OF oDlt ;             
                                          FILE ".\bitmaps\SEL2.BMP";       
                                          ACTION oDlt:End() ;              
                                          PROMPT "   Annulla"  LEFT
I can see office style and id the mouse over the button change look

But the bitmaps are not trasparent

Any Idea ?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:08 am
by Antonio Linares

We have just published a new FWH 7.12 build with the transparent bitmaps painting and optional 2007 look for XBrowse.

Please review the Class TXBrowse source for TransBmp() and use it in your Class TBtnBmp modifications. Thanks,

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 11:26 pm
by Silvio
have you correct only fwh ?
I must download only fwh new ?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 11:42 pm
by Silvio
Antonio I recompiled with the last lib
but there is an error :

I made a xbrowse with bitmaps on header tosayto user wich field index

on the header of Xbrowse I not see the bitmaps
when I click on each header I can see the bitmap on the left of the records

this is a part of my code

oCol:= oApp():oGrid:AddCol()
oCol:AddResource("sort1") oCol:AddResource("sort2") oCol:bStrData := { || (oDCli)->NOMEINTERO}
oCol:cHeader := "Cognome Nome"
oCol:nWidth := 250
oCol:nHeadBmpNo := 2
oCol:nHeadBmpAlign := AL_RIGHT
oCol:bLClickHeader :={ ||(Sel_Index(2,oDCli), oApp():oTab:nOption:=2,oApp():oTab:refresh()) }

Also in your sample testxbrowse there is an error
look it please

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:06 am
by Antonio Linares

Fixed. We are uploading a new FWH 7.12 build.

It will be ready to download in just some minutes :-)

Please remember to set RGB( 255, 0, 255 ) as the color for the transparent area of the bitmaps



Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:53 am
by Silvio
but the link is too slow... I must go to school this morning..I 'll try from there ....wait me!!