XBrowse problems with drop downs

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Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:52 am

XBrowse problems with drop downs

Post by alexstrickland »

Hi all

When I use a drop down list, and the list is "dropped down", if the user clicks anywhere else on the browse (that is, the drop down loses focus) then a gap is left on the browse (it does not refresh). You can see this in samples\testxbrw.prg (the "Bitmaps on browse" menu selection). It is much worse if the drop down is longer. The only way to cure it seems to be to scroll the offending column off the screen. XBrowse:refresh() does not seem to help. In the example a bitmap is displayed but it happens without a bitmap as well.

Any help appreciated.


PS, I think this line at about line 1251 in XBrowse.prg is wrong:

nAt := Ascan( ::aEditListBound, Eval( ::bEditValue ) )

I think it should be :

nAt := Ascan( ::aEditListTxt, Eval( ::bEditValue ) )

Without this the drop down does not select the current value in the browse cell.
Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:52 am

Post by alexstrickland »

Sorry, that should be line 4386.

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