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Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:35 pm
by Dietmar Jahnel
I'm trying to read the files from a ftp-server.

I modified the ftpdir-sample and always get "oFTP:hFTP is null"
both oInternet:hWinINet and oInternet:hSession are empty

Am I doing something wrong or is it a Vista-related problem?
Many thanks for help,

function Main()

local oInternet := TInternet():New()
// local oFTP := TFTP():New( "", oInternet ) //
local oFTP := TFTP():New( "", oInternet )

local aFiles

if ! Empty( oFTP:hFTP )
aFiles = oFTP:Directory( "*.*" )
AEval( aFiles, { | aFile | MsgInfo( aFile[ 1 ] ) } )
MsgAlert( "oFTP:hFTP is null" )


MsgInfo( "Done!" )

return nil

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:06 pm
by Antonio Linares

Just change this line in your code and its working fine (tested on Vista):

local oFTP := TFTP():New( "", oInternet )

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:32 pm
by Dietmar Jahnel

I tried this sample on two PCs - the result is always "oFTP:hFTP is null"

How can I find out what the problem is?

Thanks (again) for help,

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:58 pm
by Antonio Linares

Can you connect to from the Internet Explorer ?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:45 pm
by Dietmar Jahnel
yes I can connect to from Internet Explorer.


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:55 pm
by Antonio Linares

Here I run Vista as Administrator, please try it as Administrator to see if that makes a difference, thanks

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:31 pm
by Dietmar Jahnel
It does not make a difference.
I tried on a PC with WindowsXP in a different environment - same result.
I built the sample with xHB RC16 and FWH 7.05

On my vistaPCs its only me with all the rights possible.

Must be something else...

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:32 pm
by Antonio Linares

I email you my EXE built using FWH 7.07 and Borland. Please try it there, thanks

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:06 pm
by James Bott
I am getting the message "oFTP:hFTP is null" here too (actually oFTP:hFTP is equal to zero). I am using FWH 7.05, Borland, and XP Pro SP2. I have administrator rights.


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:50 am
by Dietmar Jahnel

your exe is working here as well!
any idea how to solve the problem?


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:10 am
by Antonio Linares

Please try it with FWH 7.07, thanks

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:39 am
by Antonio Linares

Solved. Try it this way:

Code: Select all

#include ""

function Main() 

local oInternet := TInternet():New() 
local oFTP := TFTP():New( "", oInternet ) 
local aFiles 

if ! Empty( oFTP:hFTP ) 
aFiles = oFTP:Directory( "*.*" ) 
AEval( aFiles, { | aFile | MsgInfo( aFile[ 1 ] ) } ) 
MsgAlert( "oFTP:hFTP is null" ) 


MsgInfo( "Done!" ) 

return nil

DLL32 FUNCTION InternetOpen( cApp as LPSTR, n1 AS DWORD, n2 AS LPSTR, n3 AS LPSTR,;
                             n4 AS DWORD ) AS LONG PASCAL ;
                             FROM "InternetOpenA" LIB "wininet.dll"

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:42 am
by Dietmar Jahnel
now it' working fine!

many thanks!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:50 am
by Antonio Linares
glad to know its fine :-)

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:28 am
by Dietmar Jahnel
Sorry, but now I have another problem:

I need to read the file name and put it in a text file using:

Code: Select all

oText := TTxtFile():New( datei )

FOR x = 1 to len(aSpringer)
that' s the result:

JBl_E-2006-643-647-VfGH.pdf ÿÿÿÿ ¸ò ˜ò œò ´ò , ò à“" ø“" è ØÝ ØÝ I " "\à P‘ @} N N EEEE T R O O N N N I C SS

230-N NN E T R O O N NN I C
JBl_E-2006-647-649-OGH.pdf i o n D y n a m i c F a l s e ] 3 ' &Uà ›
T R U S C : \ P ewt’ t’
JBl_E-2006-649-653-OGH.pdf 7-144-Novÿ ûDî Ä P‘ 09:10AM 83386 JBl-2000-145-151-Winkler.pdf
05-02-07 09:10AM 123366 JBl-2000-152-161-Taupitz.pdf
05-02-07 09:10AM 153878 JBl-2000-16-30-Schima.pdf
05-02-07 09

I found some posts about this extra informations, but no solution...