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A Request to all "FiveWin"ners

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:33 pm
It is my humble request to you all FIVEWINNERS,

I was thinking to share this view with you all since a long time.

All erstwhile Clipper programmers who wanted to come into Windows
environment have started using FIVEWIN + *HARBOUR alongwith some
known tools developed either using FIVEWIN + *HARBOUR or some
thirdpartys. Thanks to our Guru Mr.Antonio and *Harbour Team.

Usually every developer has his own reqirement to develop his
application for his clients. While developing such application, he might be
in need of various tools/functions/classes/methods which are not covered
directly in eigher FIVEWIN or even *HARBOUR.

In such situations, every developer is best enough to find a wayout to
provide a suitable solution to his clients, using some third party
tools or some new technics within our own FIVEWIN + *HARBOUR or
through some third party tools.

What I feel is, when ever any fivewinner comes across such situation
and find a solution to a particular problem, which could not be solved within
our native FIVEWIN + *HARBOUR, he is requested to share it with our
guru/master Mr.Antonio or directly put it in our forum. So that every
FIVEWINNERS will take advantage out of it and more over it cultivates a
habit of passing such new developments among all FIVEWINNERS. And
also it will enable Mr.Antonio to take note of it and guide the developers
in future.

The example is :

Against the subject : "alt+tab key board stop..... "
Mr.Antonio has given his solution to refer:

But there was a direct solution within our FIVEWIN/*HARBOUR from

I am surprised that our Brasilian forum has a solution for such problem
and othe FIVEWINNERS are deprived of such benefit!

Had he (Mr.Antonio) been informed about this, he would not have
advised to go for an indirect solution from
and every FIVEWINNER could have taken benefit out of it.

One more thing I found is : Our non-english speaking members
post their problems in this: "English Forums of `FiveWin for
Harbour/xHarbour'. And they do get their solutions in their own language,
which is not understood by english speaking members like me for whom
this "English Forums of `FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour' is meant for.

I not blaming anybody for such cross/direct postings. But my
worry is that I am not able to understand the valuable solutions to the
problems posted by non-enlglish speaking members in English Forum and answered properly in their own language viz. Spanish or any other non-english language.

I request Mr.Antonio to take a note of this. Because now, FIVEWN is reaching all parts of the world whare ever clipper programmers are existing.

We are growing and FIVEWIN will grow to its peaks.

Regards to all FIVEWINNERS.

- Ramesh Babu P

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:12 pm
by driessen
If I do understand you well, you are afraid that some solutions, proposed by certain fivewinners, aren't shared with other fivewinners which results into a repetition of some questions.

I agree with that, but ...

The example that you mentioned, you spoke about a direct solution within FiveWin/*Harbour. But if I click on the link you gave us, I am directed to the website of FiveWin Brasil ..... which is in Spanish.

And since I don't understand one single word of Spanish ....

A small thing which is bothering me, is the fact that several people on this forum, keep asking their question in Spanish, although they pose it in the English forum.

But on the other hand : all credit to many Fivewinners who are offering solutions to many problems. I am very greatful to them.

FiveWin/*Harbour is a splendid product and I hope that we can use it for many, many years.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:40 am
by pymsoft

Fivewin Brasil is in portuguese, not in spanish.


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:52 pm
by driessen
Sorry, but indeed. In Brazil, they speak Portuguese.

But the problem is still the same since I don't speak that language.


Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:28 pm
by Maurilio Viana

I'm brazilian and I can explain some points...

In Brazil our language is Portuguese (or "Brazilian Portuguese") a variant of Portuguese from Portugal.
I think Portuguese is a complicated language. Any persons says that it is a "secret code" and I agree :)

This "language frontier" is a great problem. My English/Spanish language is bad, but I ever try to answer question posted in English in English, and posted in Spanish in Spanish.

Many times I saw Antonio trying to understand us brazilians and I think he is a hero for it.
And many times I said to brazilian friends that the chances to have a question answered if he put a message in Portuguese in an English forum is very low...

I'm speaking about brazilians difficulties because I feel free to say about us, but we have the same problem with Spanish/Italian/Chinese etc speakers.

I think each one of us (brazilian or not) must try post in English and try to make us be understood. I think this is the only way to enlarge our knowledgement.

But each one think in different ways and have his own language difficulties. Unfortunatelly.

Like I said, my English is bad then I hope you all understand me.

Best regards,

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:53 pm
by driessen

As far as I can say, your English is very good and surely very understandable.