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connect to mysql server

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 4:21 am
by areang
Hil All !

how to connect this php on FWH

# FileName="Connection_php_mysql.htm"
# Type="MYSQL"
# HTTP="true"
$hostname_cn = "localhost";
$database_cn = "mydata";
$username_cn = "myuser";
$password_cn = "mypassword";
$cn = mysql_pconnect($hostname_cn, $username_cn, $password_cn) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);

notes :
hostname "localhost" OK when apache server running on my computer
the problem is when server running on (e.g)


Re: connect to mysql server

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:42 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
areang wrote:how to connect this php on FWH
Try using ADO. You can find the connection string on:


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 4:14 pm
by areang
Thank's Enrico

Could you mind to give me example ?

So many connection string on that site, which one for me ?

Best Regard

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 4:58 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
areang wrote:Thank's Enrico

Could you mind to give me example ?
No, sorry, as I haven't MySql to test.
areang wrote:So many connection string on that site, which one for me ?
OLE DB one:
Provider=MySQLProv;Data Source=mydb;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:45 pm
by Rochinha
Hi all

The OleDB feature don't work with MySQL and Fivewin, OleDB is directed to .NET languages.

You can work with MySQL using MyODBC and this example string:

Code: Select all

   StrDatabase := [mysql] // YouDatabaseName
   StrServer     := [] // or remote IP ex:
   StrPort         := 3306
   StrUserID     := [root] 
   StrUserPWD  := [] // User ROOT don't use password
   StrDriver      := "MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver"

   StrConnection := "driver={" + StrDriver +"}" + ;
                    ";database=" + StrDatabase + ;
                    ";server=" + StrServer + ;
                    ";uid=" + StrUserID + ;
                    ";pwd=" + StrUserPWD + ;
You need install in your machine MySQL 4(5 is not recomended to beginning) and MyODBC 3.51(best version).

You need a easy Front-End and you can download MySQL-Front, easy install and easy to use.

A have developed one Library to use all features of ADO, working with MySQL, SQL-Server, Firebird, Access, XLS, XML, SQLite e much more. You can download-it in e see the examples of use.

The new version accept SQL command directly in Fivewin code e have work to open various diferent connection at same time.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:14 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Rochinha wrote:The OleDB feature don't work with MySQL and Fivewin, OleDB is directed to .NET languages.
This is not true. OleDbConnection is for .NET but OLE DB is for Win32.


Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:56 am
by areang
Mr. Enrico

Thank's for help


Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:17 pm
by Rochinha
All right Mr. Enrico

it forgives my deceit

The OleDB Driver is not disponible in MySQL Site. I found it forgotten in


You can a test with a server side of my Captor application. Download in

The test consist in click on elements of tree to filter registers in the browse.

Part of program:

Code: Select all

    ADORDDDefault( "MySQL" )

    StrConnection := "driver={" + StrDriver +"}" + ";database=" + StrDatabase + ;
                     ";server=" + StrServer + ;
                     ";uid=" + StrUserID + ;
                     ";pwd=" + StrUserPWD + ;

    ADO CONNECT StrConnection
    if .not. ADOConnected()
       ? "Conexao nao foi estabilizada. Aplicativo sera fechando."
       return .f.
    ADO USE clientes
    ADO USE proposta



This is part of MainBrowse():

Code: Select all

   @ 0,205 LISTBOX oLbx2 FIELDS SIZE 300,200 PIXEL OF oWnd
           oLbx2:bLine         := {|| { str(ADOField( "idfilial" ),5), ;
                                        str(ADOField( "idproposta" ),6), ;
                                        LoadResources(MostraStatus(ADOField("status"))), ;
                                        ADOField( "nome" ), ;
                                        alltrim(ADOField( "marca" ))+"-"+ADOField( "modelo" ), ;
                                        ADOField( "cic" ), ;
                                        transf( ADOField( "financiado" ), "@e 999,999.99" ), ;
                                        transf( ADOField( "entrada" ), "@e 999,999.99" ), ;
                                        transf( ADOField( "prazo" ), "@e 999,999.99" ), ;
                                        transf( ADOField( "parcela" ), "@e 999,999.99" ) } }
You can use test José Luis Capel class too. Found it in

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:02 am
by areang
Mr. Rochinha.

Thank's for replay

Code: Select all

 ADORDDDefault( "MySQL" ) 

    StrConnection := "driver={" + StrDriver +"}" + ";database=" + StrDatabase + ; 
                     ";server=" + StrServer + ; 
                     ";uid=" + StrUserID + ; 
                     ";pwd=" + StrUserPWD + ; 

    ADO CONNECT StrConnection 
    if .not. ADOConnected() 
       ? "Conexao nao foi estabilizada. Aplicativo sera fechando." 
       return .f. 
    ADO USE clientes 
    ADO USE proposta 



@ 0,205 LISTBOX oLbx2 FIELDS SIZE 300,200 PIXEL OF oWnd 
           oLbx2:bLine         := {|| { str(ADOField( "idfilial" ),5), ; 
                                        str(ADOField( "idproposta" ),6), ; 
                                        LoadResources(MostraStatus(ADOField("status"))), ; 
                                        ADOField( "nome" ), ; 
                                        alltrim(ADOField( "marca" ))+"-"+ADOField( "modelo" ), ; 
                                        ADOField( "cic" ), ; 
                                        transf( ADOField( "financiado" ), "@e 999,999.99" ), ; 
                                        transf( ADOField( "entrada" ), "@e 999,999.99" ), ; 
                                        transf( ADOField( "prazo" ), "@e 999,999.99" ), ; 
                                        transf( ADOField( "parcela" ), "@e 999,999.99" ) } }

I don't have any function for all ADO
Where is it ?
