CallDll32 funny
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 5:16 am
Hi Antonio
I have a Fwh and xHb aplication using latest Sept/Oct2006 Fw28/xHb
This app call the tMutex.prg class Create method below. The tMutex create method calls CallDLL32(.....). In my application when CallDLL32 is called, i get a pop up msgalert "CallDll32", with a title of "calldll.c". I have tracked this down to \fwh\source\winapi\calldll.c which contains
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#ifndef UNICODE
MessageBox( 0, "CallDll32", "CallDll.c", 0 );
MessageBox( 0, L"CallDll32", L"CallDll.c", 0 );
It seems the above CLIPPER CALLDLL32 is being called in error?
In addition, if I ignore the above msgalert, in the line of code below (::hMutex := CallDLL32(...) is set to an array (in stead of a numeric handle), the 2nd element of which is the correct hMutex handle
If I move tMutex.prg to earlier in my xbp link script, the problem is resolved, but that is an unsatisfactory solution
Can you think what might be causing this?
Method Create( sMutexAttr, lInitialOwner, cName ) Class TMutex
Local hDLL := LoadLib32( iKERNEL )
Local cFarProc, cFunc := "CreateMutexA", cBuffer := Nil
Default lInitialOwner := .F., cName := "FiveWin App"
If ValType( sMutexAttr ) == "O" .and. ;
Upper( sMutexAttr:className() ) == "TSTRUCT"
cBuffer := sMutexAttr:cBuffer
::cName := cName
If Abs( hDLL ) > 32 /*LPSTR*/ // LPSTR fails under 32bits!
cFarProc := GetProc32( hDLL, cFunc, iASPASCAL, LONG, LONG, LONG, STRING )
::hMutex := CallDLL32( cFarProc, ;
If( cBuffer # Nil, @cBuffer, cBuffer ), ; // lpMutexAttributes, security descriptor structure or nil
Bool2Int( lInitialOwner ), ; // bInitialOwner, initial owner
cName + Chr(0) ) // lpName, object name
FreeLib32( hDLL )
If cBuffer # Nil
sMutexAttr:cBuffer := cBuffer
::Failed( hDLL, cFunc )
Return Self
I have a Fwh and xHb aplication using latest Sept/Oct2006 Fw28/xHb
This app call the tMutex.prg class Create method below. The tMutex create method calls CallDLL32(.....). In my application when CallDLL32 is called, i get a pop up msgalert "CallDll32", with a title of "calldll.c". I have tracked this down to \fwh\source\winapi\calldll.c which contains
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#ifndef UNICODE
MessageBox( 0, "CallDll32", "CallDll.c", 0 );
MessageBox( 0, L"CallDll32", L"CallDll.c", 0 );
It seems the above CLIPPER CALLDLL32 is being called in error?
In addition, if I ignore the above msgalert, in the line of code below (::hMutex := CallDLL32(...) is set to an array (in stead of a numeric handle), the 2nd element of which is the correct hMutex handle
If I move tMutex.prg to earlier in my xbp link script, the problem is resolved, but that is an unsatisfactory solution
Can you think what might be causing this?
Method Create( sMutexAttr, lInitialOwner, cName ) Class TMutex
Local hDLL := LoadLib32( iKERNEL )
Local cFarProc, cFunc := "CreateMutexA", cBuffer := Nil
Default lInitialOwner := .F., cName := "FiveWin App"
If ValType( sMutexAttr ) == "O" .and. ;
Upper( sMutexAttr:className() ) == "TSTRUCT"
cBuffer := sMutexAttr:cBuffer
::cName := cName
If Abs( hDLL ) > 32 /*LPSTR*/ // LPSTR fails under 32bits!
cFarProc := GetProc32( hDLL, cFunc, iASPASCAL, LONG, LONG, LONG, STRING )
::hMutex := CallDLL32( cFarProc, ;
If( cBuffer # Nil, @cBuffer, cBuffer ), ; // lpMutexAttributes, security descriptor structure or nil
Bool2Int( lInitialOwner ), ; // bInitialOwner, initial owner
cName + Chr(0) ) // lpName, object name
FreeLib32( hDLL )
If cBuffer # Nil
sMutexAttr:cBuffer := cBuffer
::Failed( hDLL, cFunc )
Return Self