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xBrowse headers disappear

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:05 am
by Rafael Clemente
I am using xBrowse (FWH 2.6) to show database registers (not arrays)
It works ok but when I move the scroll bar vertically, and, sometimes when I move from a register to the next, the headers disappear (that is, get painted blank). Usually, the get repainted when I manually force a "Goto begining or "goto end" but that gets unconfortable.

Anybody has a solution for this anomaly?


Re: xBrowse headers disappear

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:02 pm
by Maurilio Viana

I had this and others problems with xBrowse that was solved in 2.7.
Try edit xBrowse.prg and change all ::lRefreshOnlyData to .F.
It will force xBrowse to refresh all including headers and footers


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:18 pm
by Rafael Clemente
Thanks for your answer. I got a similiar suggestion from Biel in the FWH Spanish forum. I tried it and have found that it seems enough to comment the line ::lRefreshOnlyData := .T. in the VScroll method.
Hope that this information is usefult to somebody else.

Thanks for your help