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How to handle RClick on TWBrowse

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:08 am
by Rafael Clemente
Perhaps this question has already been answered but after much experimentation I could not find the solution:

I am using a TWBrowse and I would like to RClick on any row and inmediatelly open an small window to edit the contens of that register.

Of course, I have tried oBrw:bRClicked().... The problem is that I am forced first to LClick on the row I want to edit and then, RClick again. Is there any way to achive the following with just ONE RClick:

a) Select the appropiate row
b) Open the edit window (or a Popup menu or whatever)



Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:09 pm
by pymsoft
Try this:

oBrw:bRClicked = { | nRow, nCol | ( oBrw:setFocus(), oBrw:lButt
onDown(nRow,nCol), YourFunction( nRow, nCol, oBrw ) ) }

Pedro Gonzalez
Savona - Italia

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:48 pm
by Rafael Clemente
Just tested your suggestion and it worked beautifully. Thanks!!!