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xharbour from and fwh aug release Problems

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:35 pm
by Mike Buckler
When I try to make fwh samples I get the following error file.
What do I have to do ?
Thanks Mike.

Type: C >>>xhb.exe -o"bigfold.c" -m -n -w -p -q -gc0 -I"C:\FWH\INCLUDE" -I"C:\fwh\include" -I"C:\xHB\include" -I"C:\xHB\include\w32" "bigfold.prg"<<<

xHarbour Compiler build 0.99.61 (SimpLex)
Copyright 1999-2006,
Generating object output to 'bigfold.obj'...

Type: C >>>xrc.exe -fo"bigfold.res" -i"C:\FWH\INCLUDE" -I"C:\xHB\c_include" -I"C:\xHB\c_include\win" "bigfold.rc"<<<

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'Ifndef'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: #endif with no #if.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xtranslate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: '#endif'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'from'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'hConvert.EXE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'Wise'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'Wos'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'any'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'is'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'implied.'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'recommended'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'the'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'the'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'use.'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_OVERLAPPED'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_POPUP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_CHILD'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_MINIMIZE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_VISIBLE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_DISABLED'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_CLIPSIBLINGS'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_CLIPCHILDREN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_MAXIMIZE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_CAPTION'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_BORDER'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_DLGFRAME'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_VSCROLL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_HSCROLL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_SYSMENU'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_THICKFRAME'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_GROUP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_TABSTOP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_MINIMIZEBOX'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_MAXIMIZEBOX'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_POPUPWINDOW'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_CHILDWINDOW'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_TOPMOST'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_TRANSPARENT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_MDICHILD'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_RIGHT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_LEFT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_RTLREADING'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_LTRREADING'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_STATICEDGE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_APPWINDOW'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_LAYERED'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'WS_EX_NOACTIVATE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: Addition is not allowed.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: Addition is not allowed.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: Addition is not allowed.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: Addition is not allowed.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_INSERT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_CHANGE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_APPEND'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_DELETE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_REMOVE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_BYCOMMAND'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_BYPOSITION'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_SEPARATOR'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_ENABLED'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_GRAYED'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_DISABLED'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_UNCHECKED'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_CHECKED'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_USECHECKBITMAPS'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_STRING'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_BITMAP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_OWNERDRAW'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_POPUP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_MENUBARBREAK'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_MENUBREAK'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_UNHILITE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_HILITE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_DEFAULT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_SYSMENU'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_HELP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_RIGHTJUSTIFY'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_MOUSESELECT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MF_END'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MFT_RADIOCHECK'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MFT_RIGHTORDER'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'MFS_GRAYED'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_LEFT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_CENTER'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_RIGHT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_MULTILINE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_UPPERCASE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_LOWERCASE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_PASSWORD'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_AUTOVSCROLL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_AUTOHSCROLL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_NOHIDESEL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_OEMCONVERT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_READONLY'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_WANTRETURN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'ES_NUMBER'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_PUSHBUTTON'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_CHECKBOX'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_AUTOCHECKBOX'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_RADIOBUTTON'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_3STATE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_AUTO3STATE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_GROUPBOX'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_USERBUTTON'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_OWNERDRAW'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_LEFTTEXT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_TEXT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_ICON'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_BITMAP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_LEFT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_RIGHT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_CENTER'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_TOP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_BOTTOM'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_VCENTER'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_PUSHLIKE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_MULTILINE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_NOTIFY'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'BS_FLAT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_LEFT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_CENTER'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_RIGHT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ICON'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_BLACKRECT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_GRAYRECT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_WHITERECT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_BLACKFRAME'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_GRAYFRAME'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_WHITEFRAME'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_USERITEM'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_SIMPLE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_OWNERDRAW'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_BITMAP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ENHMETAFILE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ETCHEDHORZ'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ETCHEDVERT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ETCHEDFRAME'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_TYPEMASK'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_NOPREFIX'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_NOTIFY'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_CENTERIMAGE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_RIGHTJUST'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_REALSIZEIMAGE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_SUNKEN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ENDELLIPSIS'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_PATHELLIPSIS'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_WORDELLIPSIS'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SS_ELLIPSISMASK'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_ABSALIGN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_SYSMODAL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_LOCALEDIT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_SETFONT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_MODALFRAME'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_NOIDLEMSG'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_SETFOREGROUND'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_3DLOOK'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_FIXEDSYS'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_NOFAILCREATE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_CONTROL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_CENTER'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_CENTERMOUSE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_CONTEXTHELP'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'DS_SHELLFONT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_NOTIFY'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_SORT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_NOREDRAW'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_MULTIPLESEL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_HASSTRINGS'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_USETABSTOPS'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_MULTICOLUMN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_EXTENDEDSEL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_NODATA'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_NOSEL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'LBS_STANDARD'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_SIMPLE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_DROPDOWN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_DROPDOWNLIST'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_AUTOHSCROLL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_OEMCONVERT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_SORT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_HASSTRINGS'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_UPPERCASE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'CBS_LOWERCASE'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_HORZ'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_VERT'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_TOPALIGN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_LEFTALIGN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_BOTTOMALIGN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_RIGHTALIGN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_SIZEBOXTOPLEFTALIGN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_SIZEBOXBOTTOMRIGHTALIGN'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Macro redefinition of 'SBS_SIZEBOX'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'xcommand'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'ISNIL('.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ warning: Unknown preprocessor control: 'translate'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'typedef'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'struct'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: 'tagPOINTS'.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: C:\xHB\include\ error: File not found: ''.

xRC: bigfold.rc(15): error: String literal expected.

xRC: bigfold.rc(22): error: Number expected.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Number expected.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Number expected.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Number expected.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Number expected.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.

xRC: bigfold.rc(23): error: Invalid syntax.

xRC: bigfold.rc(25): error: Unknown keyword: 'BSS_HDIP'.

xRC: bigfold.rc(61): error: Unknown keyword: 'BSS_HDIP'.

Type: C >>>Couldn't build: bigfold.res<<<
Type: N >>> 1266<<<

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:11 am
by Antonio Linares

xHarbour builder's xRC does not allow to use CH files into RC files.

Please change #include "..\include\" in the RC file for #include "c:\xHB\c_include\win\windows.h"

Now I get windows gpf with all sample programs

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:46 pm
by Mike Buckler
Do I need to recompile fivehmx.lib with xharbour ?
Thanks Mike

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:23 pm
by areang

>> Do I need to recompile fivehmx.lib with xharbour ?

Yes ! You have to recompile your source fwh code with xHarbour.


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:49 pm
by Antonio Linares

If you use FWH August build and most recent xHarbour builder beta, you don't have to recompile anything, just build your app.

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:01 pm
by Mike Buckler
Thanks That was it I was using current release not beta.

FWH 8.05 and ADS error

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:47 am
by cdmmaui
I have upgrade FWH to 8.05 and I am receiving the following error when trying to connect to ADS 7.01

The oridinal 468 could not be located in the dynamic link library ACE32.DLL

Can anyone help?


Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:41 am
by Antonio Linares

You need an updated version of ACE32.LIB, created from an updated version of ACE32.DLL