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To Nages: oprn:Box

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 7:25 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Dear Nages,
I thought you had solved it but I saw that there are problems as the writing is not where I would like it to be. the Boxes are created well but each writing both the small one above the Boxes and the one sent with the PRINT TO command are in the wrong position.
Before I did not notice the error because I was using the virtual preview at home since I do not have the printer at home while this morning at school I realized that something was wrong and the computer is equipped with an HP printer (jet Ink) how could I solve the problem?

I did this at home with the virtual preview ie without the printer


I created this one this morning at work



Code: Select all

 nRow:= 5.5
            nCol:= 1
            nHei:= nRow+0.8
            nWid:= 5.5

         oPrn:Box(nRow,nCol,nHei,nWid,  { CLR_BLACK, nMoltoFine }, CLR_HGRAY, ;
                    { " Tipo documento", oFont, CLR_WHITE, "TL" }, ;
                      "CM" )

            nCol:= 5.5// nWid
            nHei:= nRow+0.8
            nWid=  nCol+2.5

        oPrn:Box(nRow,nCol,nHei,nWid,  { CLR_BLACK, nMoltoFine }, CLR_HGRAY, ;
                    { " Numero documento", oFont, CLR_WHITE, "TL" }, ;
                      "CM" )


 nRow:= 3.98

           @ nRow,1 PRINT TO oPrn TEXT "Descrizione documento" SIZE 6, 4 CM FONT oFont2 ;

          @ nRow,5.8 PRINT TO oPrn TEXT "Numero" SIZE 6, 4 CM FONT oFont2 ;

            @ nRow,8.8 PRINT TO oPrn TEXT "Data" SIZE 6, 4 CM FONT oFont2 ;