Brw:VGoBottom() does not work in xBrowse [SOLVED]
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:35 am
Good morning, Antonio,
To finish solving the problem of xBrowse and SQLRDD, since Nages doesn't answer the messages, I need to be able to move the vertical scroll bar.
However, oBrw:VGoBottom() and SendMsg( VK_DOWN ) do not work. They don't do anything.
Here is an example.
I'd appreciate your help, since I've been requesting for the fix since December and the customers are extremely pissed off.
Thank you very much. Greetings
To finish solving the problem of xBrowse and SQLRDD, since Nages doesn't answer the messages, I need to be able to move the vertical scroll bar.
However, oBrw:VGoBottom() and SendMsg( VK_DOWN ) do not work. They don't do anything.
Here is an example.
Code: Select all
#Include "FiveWin.Ch"
#include ""
#include ""
use c:\fwh\samples\customer
return nil
function TESTBROWSE()
local oDlg
local oBrw
define dialog oDlg title "Test xBrowse " + cvaltochar(datetime()) from 0,0 to 24,79
@ 0,0 xbrowse oBrw datasource alias() of oDlg fastedit autocols autosort ;
oBrw:nRowHeight := 25
oBrw:lAutoappend := .t.
activate dialog oDlg centered ;
on init ( oBrw:VGoBottom(), oBrw:oVScroll:SendMsg( VK_DOWN ) )
return nil
Thank you very much. Greetings