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DBV Memo File Formats.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:44 am
by byron.hopp

This post will let out the secret of my age (>dirt). I have an old application running in Clipper 5.2 and the memo files are utilizing a lib called FlexFile.
It added functions like "V_USE", "V_ERROR", and "V_SELECT", I would like to move this program to Harbour but can't access these files. Is there any libs that handle these file formats. I have a VM on my workstation setup just to run old applications like this and I would love to get rid of it.


Byron ...

Re: DBV Memo File Formats.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 3:06 am
by Jimmy
byron.hopp wrote:All,

This post will let out the secret of my age (>dirt). I have an old application running in Clipper 5.2 and the memo files are utilizing a lib called FlexFile.
It added functions like "V_USE", "V_ERROR", and "V_SELECT", I would like to move this program to Harbour but can't access these files. Is there any libs that handle these file formats. I have a VM on my workstation setup just to run old applications like this and I would love to get rid of it.
i found c:\fwh\source\classes\tnewsins.prg this Code

Code: Select all

   Utilizamo el API de FlexFile por si el texto del mensaje es muy largo

   if lCompleto
      if ::oDbfPost:RLock()
         cPointer := (cAlias)->(v_Memoget(nFldPos))
         if file(::cPostFile)
            cPointer := (cAlias)->(V_File2Vlf(::cPostFile, cPointer, cAlias))
            cPointer := (cAlias)->(V_Replace(cData, nil, cAlias))
         (cAlias)->(v_Memoput(nFldPos, cPointer))
         (cAlias)->Bytes := ::oDbfPost:Bytes
         (cAlias)->Lines := ::oDbfPost:Lines
have not test it but i didn't found anything else with "flexfile"

if you still have Cl*pper and LIB i recommend to export Memo to FPT using Comix / SixDrive which seems to work well with CDX