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moving between DBF workareas

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:33 am
by Ehab Samir Aziz
I am facing problem of co-cordinating my workareas usage and I need advice of how moving between them in that module . I need to execute aBase and reset modules for different DBF files but always I face error its fixing cost me to do select statemetn.

Code: Select all

select 4
use mete
index on mete->ME_mc_serl to mete
index on str(mete->year) + str(mete->month) to mete1
index on mete->me_date to mete2

select 1
USE cust
INDEX ON upper(cust->cu_acct) TO cust
INDEX ON upper(cust->cu_name) TO cust1
INDEX ON upper(cust->cu_coun) TO cust2
INDEX ON upper(cust->cu_city) TO cust3
INDEX ON upper(cust->cu_gove) TO cust4
INDEX ON upper(cust->cu_stre) TO cust5
INDEX ON upper(cust->cu_phon) TO cust6
INDEX ON upper(cust->cu_fax ) TO cust7
INDEX ON upper(cust->cu_mobi) TO cust8
INDEX ON upper(cust->cu_man ) TO cust9
INDEX ON upper(cust->cu_appr) TO cust10
set INDEX TO cust

select 3
use mach
index on mach->MC_CU_ACCT to mach
index on UPPER(mach->MC_CU_name) to mach1
index on UPPER(mach->MC_ct_ctna) to mach2
index on UPPER(mach->MC_model) to mach3
index on UPPER(mach->MC_TYPE)+UPPER(mach->MC_model) to mach4
index on UPPER(mach->MC_serial) to mach5
index on UPPER(mach->MC_meres) to mach6
index on UPPER(mach->MC_brn) to mach7
index on UPPER(mach->MC_gateway) to mach8
set index to mach1

select 2
USE cont
INDEX ON cont->CT_CU_ACCT+dtoc(cont->ct_strd) TO cont
INDEX ON cont->CT_CU_name TO cont1
INDEX ON cont->ct_strd TO cont2
INDEX ON cont->ct_endd TO cont3
INDEX ON cont->CT_machno TO cont4
INDEX ON cont->CT_mamc TO cont5
INDEX ON cont->ct_paymet TO cont6
INDEX ON cont->ct_payamt TO cont7
INDEX ON cont->ct_currenc TO cont8
INDEX ON cont->ct_excmet TO cont9
INDEX ON cont->ct_excamt TO cont10
INDEX ON cont->ct_minvol TO cont11
INDEX ON cont->ct_ctna TO cont12

SET INDEX TO cont12*/

DEFINE DIALOG oDlgn TITLE "Meter Reads Sheet Filtering Creteria" ;
From 8, 2 TO 600, 700 PIXEL 

  @ 45,2 SAY "Customer name" OF oDlgn PIXEL
  @ 45,50 SAY ":" OF oDlgn PIXEL
  @ 45,55 COMBOBOX oCbx VAR v_cuna_cocmbo ITEMS aBase(4,"mete",256,"me_cu_name") SIZE 110,80 ;
  OF oDlgn PIXEL ;
  valid ( reset( v_cuna_cocmbo, oCbx2,"mete","me_cu_acct","me_cu_name") , .t. )

  @ 60,2 SAY "Customer Account" OF oDlgn PIXEL
  @ 60,50 SAY ":" OF oDlgn PIXEL
  @ 60,55 COMBOBOX oCbx2 VAR v_cuac_cocmbo ITEMS aItems size 110,80 ;
  OF oDlgn PIXEL;
  valid ( reset( v_cuac_cocmbo, oCbx3,"mete","me_ct_ctna","me_cu_acct") , .t. )

  @ 75,2 SAY "Contract name" OF oDlgn PIXEL
  @ 75,50 SAY ":" OF oDlgn PIXEL
  @ 75,55 COMBOBOX oCbx3 VAR v_cona_cocmbo ITEMS aItems size 110,80 OF oDlgn PIXEL


function reset( cItem,oCbx,cFile,fld_na,filter_name)
  local aItems:={}
  local nArea:= select()
  local y:=0

  use (cFile) new
  set filter to cItem = &(filter_name)
  go top

  do while ! eof()

     if y==0


  select( nArea )
  oCbx:setItems( aItems )
return nil

function aBase(x,cFile,xx,cField)

  local aItems:={}
  local y:=0
  local nArea:=select()
  aAdd(aItems,space(256)) //Put First element empty
  use (cFile) new
  index on &(cField) to temp 
  go top
  do while ! eof()
     if y==0

return aItems

Re: moving between DBF workareas

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:20 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Try removing aliases from index keys.


Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 1:33 pm
by Badara Thiam
Insert "SET INDEX TO" before FERASE() in aBase().

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 4:03 pm
by James Bott

I know it is all new to you, but if you use the database class you don't have to deal with aliases and workareas at all. It is so much easier to program after you learn the basics of the database class. And you will have few bugs.

As I may have mentioned before, there are two articles on this on my website.
