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XBROWSE edit_listbox

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 10:03 am
by byte-one
How to simulate the VK_RETURN to leave programmatically the listbox?

Re: XBROWSE edit_listbox

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 10:35 am
by Marc Venken

Code: Select all

// 1 
 :bKeyChar      := { |nKey| If( nKey == VK_RETURN, ;
             ( nSelect := PRD->veld, oDlg:End() ), nil ) }

// 2

:bKeyDown   := { |k| If( k == VK_RETURN,( oDlg1:end() ),;
                           if (K == VK_DELETE, Del_row(oBrw),nil )) }

// 3

oBrwK:bKeyDown := {|nKey| MyKey(nKey,oBrwK,oDlgK) }

Function MyKey(nKey,oGrid,oDlg)
Do case
  case nKey==VK_RETURN
    if msgYesNo("Wenst U deze klant te gebruiken")
      oDbfinfo:klantcode = klant->klant_nr
      oDbfinfo:firma = klant->naam_1
// here your function of modify record
//case nKey==VK_INSERT
// here your function of add record
//case nKey==VK_DELETE
// here your function of delete record
//case nKey==VK_ESCAPE
//IF nKey >= 96 .AND. nKey <= 105
// here your function of search record
// here your function of search record

Re: XBROWSE edit_listbox

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 11:30 am
by byte-one
Thanks Marc, but i will not end the dialog i will only after a keystroke leave the xbrowse-cell with the listbox and go to the next cell.

Re: XBROWSE edit_listbox

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 12:19 pm
by Marc Venken
oBrw:goright() in place of the end ?

Re: XBROWSE edit_listbox

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 1:19 pm
by byte-one
In this case the :bOnPostEdit from this cell are not evaluated. In normal we leave the listbox-cell with pressing "Enter". I will virtual press "enter" from program. My question with other words: What method are called after pressing "Enter"?