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My own balloons (like password caps lock on balloon)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:57 pm
by Maurilio Viana
Fivewin activate automatically that balloon showed when caps lock is ON and we are typing in a get with password.

I'm trying to cut out all message boxes with errors and validation messages. I think that balloon is professional and not irratating like message boxes.

My question:
How can I create that balloon that I mentioned, include my own text on it and how point it to an object in dialog (get, combobox, etc)?

Antonio, any idea?

Best regards

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:18 am
by Antonio Linares

The balloon you mention is automatically shown by the Windows API, we don't do anything at all :)

We may need to google for more info about it

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 11:43 am
by Maurilio Viana
Thanks, Antonio!

I'll search for any about in MSDN :D


Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:29 pm
by James Bott

>I'm trying to cut out all message boxes with errors and validation messages. I think that balloon is professional and not irratating like message boxes.

This is a good start! However, I suggest first trying to eliminate "error messages" altogether. One of the best ways to do this is by using bounded controls, like comboboxes, radios, and checkboxes. With these types of controls the user cannot make an invalid entry.

Also consider this. If you require data in a field before the dialog can be closed, then you are forcing the user to enter anything just to complete their task. This means that you get meaningless data, just to satisfy the program. Or, they have to just abandon all the data they just entered until they can get the required data later (and how are they going to remember). Either situation is not good.

I suggest just coloring the background of required fields in different color, like pink. When they are filled in and, valid turn it white. If they are filled in and invalid color it yellow. You can also popup a tooltip when the data is invalid or questionable. This way the user doesn't have to click on anything since it goes away on its own.

Then I flag records with either missing or invalid data with a flag icon in the browse so they can easily be found later, and corrections made.

Help stamp out error messages. Just like "the customer is always right," "users don't make errors," programs just do not know how to deal with the problems.


Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:07 pm
by Maurilio Viana
James, thanks for your words. Now I'm reading a book named About Face. This book says about user interface, avoid error messages, best practices of design etc.
And I'm trying to get it from book's page and apply in "real life".

Best regards

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:42 pm
by James Bott

> Now I'm reading a book named About Face. This book says about user interface, avoid error messages, best practices of design etc.

Well, I'm really glad to hear that. About Face is my most valued programming book. I have applied a lot of his ideas to my work.

It's good that you bring this up, because a lot of the others may be interested also.
