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Rpreview problems

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:27 am
by Silvio.Falconi
How have a rpreview style 2015 ?
I cannot give to my customer my applicatons with menus and buttonsbar 2015 when the rpreview is on 2007 style

Why not correct the tpreview

checkstyle method not have all styles

Listview button
Why not insert a button with the possibility to have or not have listview on action ( select from user) ?

Two or more pages
why not change the show pages into 2/4/6(8/10 pages ( I had make many years ago a test with this change as winword and it runned ok ) as ER ?

why not show the margins on rpreview as winword but only on preview not in print ?

why not save on doc and html ? ER converte the rpreview on richedit class

why not make good zoom quality ?