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FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:36 pm
by Jeff Barnes
1. Can you use .rc files with FiveWeb?
2. How would you open a PDF file to be viewed via FiveWeb?

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:44 pm
by Antonio Linares

FiveWeb currently does not support RC files. Look for FWeb from Carles Aubia on these forums, his product does support RC files.

The browser should open a PDF by default (at least Chrome does it).

Look for "document.location" in FiveWeb examples and set it to the PDF file url directly.

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:21 pm
by Carles

1.- FWeb support *.RC files, you can see FWeb manual for this feature.
2.- You can use pdf from javascript with window.location.assign( "./help/FWeb.pdf") or document.location as said Mr. Antonio

If you want to see a little code example with FWeb:

Code: Select all

include ('./fweb/fweb.php' );

$oWeb   = new TWeb( 'Test PDF' );       

    $oWnd   = new TDialog( 'my_dialog', 700, 900 , 'Manual FWeb - Framework Web' ); 
    $oWnd->SetIcon( '' );

        $oPdf = new TFrame( $oWnd, 'my_frame', 0, 0, '100%', '100%', 'help/FWeb_EN.pdf' );
and you can execute it-> (pdf file is a little manual of FWeb :D )

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:03 pm
by Jeff Barnes
Ok so I am obviously missing something in my formatting ... :oops:
I've tried several different ways of trying to open the PDF using document.location but it never seems to work (using Chrome)
Can you please give me a code sample on how to open the pdf using document.location ?


Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:06 pm
by Antonio Linares

@ 260, 160 BUTTON "Ok" OF oDlg ;
ACTION document.location = "url_to_the_pdf"

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:51 pm
by Jeff Barnes
Looks like its a problem with xampp not allowing me to open the pdf.
If I manually enter the url in Chrome with xampp running it give an error.
If I switch to IIS it will open the PDF

The problem is, in IIS the exe does not really work :(
When I click a button (a browse) it does nothing.

I took a quick look at FWeb but it looks like it doesn't let us use harbour code.

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 7:19 am
by Carles

If you manually enter the url in Chrome with xampp running, this should work. I've tried it and it works.

Fiveweb it's based in Harbour

FWeb it's based on php but using the FiveWin philosophy with RIA concept ->

There are two solutions to make the jump to the Web ! :D

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:25 pm
by Jeff Barnes
Got it working ...

How can I force the page to refresh after it opens?
I know I can use document.location.reload(true) but I can't get it to work when added to the button:

If I add each to it's own button, they work so I know the commands are correct but this isn't what I need.
I'm using so I can have the PDF opened in a new tab. The second button will obviously reload the original tab.
@ 484, 456 BUTTON "PDF" SIZE 110, 40 OF oDlg ACTION"/PDF/Monitor.pdf","_blank")
@ 524, 456 BUTTON "Refresh" SIZE 110, 40 OF oDlg ACTION document.location.reload(true)

But, if I try to do the following the code will not compile:
@ 484, 456 BUTTON "PDF" SIZE 110, 40 OF oDlg ACTION ("/PDF/Monitor.pdf","_blank"), document.location.reload(true) )

The compile error is:
Certus.prg(232) Error E0030 Syntax error "syntax error at '.'"
Harbour 3.0.0 (Rev. 16951)
Copyright (c) 1999-2011,
Compiling 'Certus.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'Certus.ppo'...
1 error

No code generated.
* Compile errors *

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:40 pm
by Antonio Linares

Try it this way:

@ 484, 456 BUTTON "PDF" SIZE 110, 40 OF oDlg ;
ACTION "'/PDF/Monitor.pdf','_blank'), document.location.reload(true)"

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:26 am
by Jeff Barnes
Thanks Antonio ... That worked.

Is there any way I can do something like the code below without it being tied to a button?"/PDF/Monitor.pdf","_blank")


IF cVar = "Something""/PDF/Monitor.pdf","_blank")

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:08 pm
by Antonio Linares

Try this:

? "<script>'/PDF/Monitor.pdf','_blank');<\script>"

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:35 pm
by Jeff Barnes
Thanks Antonio ... got that part working now.
FiveWeb is working quite well so far :)

Now on to FOLDERS....

I am able to create the folders following the sample (TestFold.prg).

@ 0, 0 FOLDER oFld PROMPTS "Test 1","Test 2" SIZE 1000, 650 OF oDlg

How do I setup my gets/browse etc... in separate tabs in the folder?

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:06 pm
by Jeff Barnes
I've tried using the same format as FWH but no luck:

@ 1, 1 BUTTON "Test" OF oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ] ACTION MsgInfo( "Hello world!")

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:01 pm
by Antonio Linares

FiveWeb enhancements:

* Enhanced Class TFolder.

* Enhanced samples\testfold.prg adding child controls

Already available from: (download repository)

Here it is the code for the enhanced samples\testfold.prg

Code: Select all

#include ""

function Main()

   local oDlg, oFld
   local cVar1 := Space( 10 ), cVar2 := Space( 20 ), cVar3 := Space( 30 )

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Using folders"

   @ 10, 10 FOLDER oFld PROMPTS "One", "Two", "Three" OF oDlg SIZE 400, 300

   @ 100, 30 SAY "Tab 1" OF oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]

   @ 150, 50 GET cVar1 OF oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]

   @ 100, 30 SAY "Tab 2" OF oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ]

   @ 150, 50 GET cVar2 OF oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ]

   @ 100, 30 SAY "Tab 3" OF oFld:aDialogs[ 3 ]

   @ 150, 50 GET cVar3 OF oFld:aDialogs[ 3 ]


return nil

Re: FiveWeb Questions

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:08 pm
by Antonio Linares