We suugest:
oRange := GetExcelRange( [ cExcelFileName ], [ cSheetName ], [ acRange ], @lOpened )
aData := ArrTranspose( oRange:Value )
Code: Select all
local oRange, lOpened := .f.
local aData
oRange := GetExcelRange( [ cExcelFileName ], [ cSheetName ], [ acRange ], @lOpened )
if oRange == nil
? "Failure"
aData := ArrTranspose( oRange:Value )
if lOpened
xbrowser aData
Function GetExcelRange(...) is provided by FWH.
3rd Optional Parameter: acRange: This can be specified in the format "A2:F6" or { nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight } or name of a Range (eg. "Sales") or can be nil/omitted. If nil or ommitted, the function accesses the UsedRange.
2nd Optional Parameter: Sheet Name: If provided, attempts to access the range from the specified page. If nil/omitted then uses the ActiveSheet.
1st Optional Parameter:
(a) If specified, this should be excel file name with fullpath. Extension is not necessary. If extension is provided, it must be .xls or .xlsx and if omitted the function opens the available file.
(b) Before opening, the function checks if the user has already opened the excel file (either independantly or through another program). If the file is already opened, the function does not open the file again to avoid problems in opening the same file second time, but uses the file that is already opened.
If the function itself opened the file, the 4th parameter lOpened it set to .T., indicating that the Programmer calling the function should close the file. If lOpened is set to .F. it means the file is already opened by the usr for some other purpose and the programmer should NOT close the file.
(c) If this parameter is omitted, i.e., if no excel file name is specified, the function checks to see if any excel file is opened and uses the active book.
On success the function returns the Excel Range object. Return value of NIL indicates failure.
GetExcelRange() returns UsedRange from the ActiveSheet of the ActiveWorkBook if the user has already opened any.
GetExcelRange( cExcelFile ) returns UsedRange of ActiveSheet of <cExcelFile>
GetExcelRange( cExcelFile, cSheetName ) returns UsedRange of cSheetName of cExcelFile
GetExcelRange( cExcelFile, cSheetName, acRange ) returns Specified range of specified sheet of cExcelFile.
GetExcelRange( cExcelFile, cSheetName, acRange, @lOpened ) returns as above and also indicates if the file is opened by this function now or was already opened. If lOpened is .T., the WorkBook has to be closed by the programmer.
Reading Excel Range values into an Array:
aData := ArrTranspose( oRange:Value ) is the FASTEST way.
Reading values of cell by cell in a loop is the SLOWEST way.
Special Case:
If we want only specific columns of the total range, but not all the columns.
For example, the range is "A1:F1000" and we require only columns A,C,E,F.
aData := oRange:Value. // aData has 6 rows A,B,C,D,E,F
ADel( aData, 2, .t. ) // aData now has 5 rows A,C,D,E,F
ADel( aData, 3, .t. ) // aData now has 4 rows A,C,E,F
aData := ArrTranspose( aData ) // Data with 4 columns A,C,E,F and 1000 rows.