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fingerprint sample uploaded

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 4:18 am
by FGamboa

this is the link ... A.ZIP.html

I hope this can help, Please consider It's not a really reduced sample, but take a look at the aParams Array (line 90) where are shifted and doesn't work as expected.

In the Ocx docs exist a lot af ocx:methods with by Reference parameters, especially:
Extract( byRef rawImage as Variant, ...)
and I haven't a known way to call a Method with byReference parameters

uRet = ActXInvoke( ActXPdisp( ::hActiveX ), cMethodName, uParam1,... )

Doesn't do the job for me at this moment.

I will thank any answer.
Fco Gamboa

Re: fingerprint sample uploaded

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 12:03 am
by fleal

¿Qué lector tienes?


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:40 am
by FGamboa
Hola Fernando:

Tengo Digital Persona U.areU.400B Reader

Gracias por tu atención y Saludos

Fco Gamboa


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:46 pm
by fleal
dame de alta en el messanger o envíame un mail a.

Fernando Leal
México, DF

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:19 pm
by Silvio
it is compatible with microsoft fingerprint reader ?

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:08 pm
by Rochinha
Hi fGamboa

You can't use oActiveX:bOnEvent if used CreateOleObject(). This features return a handle and not a object.

If use oActiveX = TActiveX():New( oWnd, "GrFingerX.GrFingerXCtrl.1") the result is better.

I post this code below to help you in database control:


Code: Select all

#command ADO APPEND BLANK  => oRs:AddNew()
#command ADO EDIT          => oRs:Edit()
#command ADO COMMIT        => oRs:Update()
#command ADO SKIP          => oRs:Move( oRs:AbsolutePosition )
#command ADO REGLOCK       => dbNetRegLock( 0 )    ; dbCommitLog('M', PROCNAME())
#command ADO DELETE        => oRs:Delete()
#command ADO REPLACE <f1> WITH <v1> => oRs:Fields( <(f1)> ):Value := <v1>
#command ADO GOTOP         => oRs:MoveFirst()
#command ADO GOBOTTOM      => oRs:MoveLast()    
#command ADORECNO()        => oRs:AbsolutePosition 
#command ADOFILE(<tB>)     => iif(oRs:Table(<tB>)==<tB>,.t.,.f.)
#command ADO USE           => oRs:Close()    
#command ADO CLOSE         => oRs:Close()    
#command ADO SAVE <CfILE>  => oRs:Save( <CfILE>, adPersistXML )
#command ADO EXECUTE <Sql> => oRs:Open( <Sql>, StrConnection, 1, 3 )
#command ADO CONNECT ON <StrServer>                               ;
                    [PORT <StrPort>]                                    ;
                    [DATABASE <StrDatabase>]                            ;
                    [USER <StrUserID>]                                  ;
                    [PASSWORD <StrUserPWD>]                             ;
                    [OPTIONS <nFlags>]                                  ;
                     DRIVER <StrDriver>                              => ;
                      StrConnection := "driver={"+<StrDriver>+"};database="+<StrDatabase>+";server="+<StrServer>+";uid="+<StrUserID>+";pwd="+<StrUserPWD>+";option=35" ;
                    ; oRs := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )      ;
                    ; oRS:CursorType     := adOpenStatic      ;
                    ; oRS:CursorLocation := adUseClient       ;
                    ; oRS:LockType       := adLockPessimistic 

/*---- CursorTypeEnum Values ----*/
#define adOpenForwardOnly 0
#define adOpenKeyset 1
#define adOpenDynamic 2
#define adOpenStatic 3

/*---- LockTypeEnum Values ----*/
#define adLockReadOnly 1
#define adLockPessimistic 2
#define adLockOptimistic 3
#define adLockBatchOptimistic 4

/*---- CursorLocationEnum Values ----*/
#define adUseServer 2
#define adUseClient 3

/*---- DataTypeEnum Values ----*/
#define adEmpty 0
#define adTinyInt 16
#define adSmallInt 2
#define adInteger 3
#define adBigInt 20
#define adUnsignedTinyInt 17
#define adUnsignedSmallInt 18
#define adUnsignedInt 19
#define adUnsignedBigInt 21
#define adSingle 4
#define adDouble 5
#define adCurrency 6
#define adDecimal 14
#define adNumeric 131
#define adBoolean 11
#define adError 10
#define adUserDefined 132
#define adVariant 12
#define adIDispatch 9
#define adIUnknown 13
#define adGUID 72
#define adDate 7
#define adDBDate 133
#define adDBTime 134
#define adDBTimeStamp 135
#define adBSTR 8
#define adChar 129
#define adVarChar 200
#define adLongVarChar 201
#define adWChar 130
#define adVarWChar 202
#define adLongVarWChar 203
#define adBinary 128
#define adVarBinary 204
#define adLongVarBinary 205
#define adChapter 136
#define adFileTime 64
#define adPropVariant 138
#define adVarNumeric 139
#define adArray &H2000

/*---- GetRowsOptionEnum Values ----*/
#define adGetRowsRest -1

/*---- PositionEnum Values ----*/
#define adPosUnknown -1
#define adPosBOF -2
#define adPosEOF -3

/*---- BookmarkEnum Values ----*/
#define adBookmarkCurrent 0
#define adBookmarkFirst 1
#define adBookmarkLast 2

/*---- MarshalOptionsEnum Values ----*/
#define adMarshalAll 0
#define adMarshalModifiedOnly 1

/*---- AffectEnum Values ----*/
#define adAffectCurrent 1
#define adAffectGroup 2
#define adAffectAllChapters 4

/*---- ResyncEnum Values ----*/
#define adResyncUnderlyingValues 1
#define adResyncAllValues 2

/*---- CompareEnum Values ----*/
#define adCompareLessThan 0
#define adCompareEqual 1
#define adCompareGreaterThan 2
#define adCompareNotEqual 3
#define adCompareNotComparable 4

/*---- FilterGroupEnum Values ----*/
#define adFilterNone 0
#define adFilterPendingRecords 1
#define adFilterAffectedRecords 2
#define adFilterFetchedRecords 3
#define adFilterConflictingRecords 5

/*---- SearchDirectionEnum Values ----*/
#define adSearchForward 1
#define adSearchBackward -1

/*---- PersistFormatEnum Values ----*/
#define adPersistADTG 0
#define adPersistXML 1

/*---- StringFormatEnum Values ----*/
#define adClipString 2

/*---- ConnectPromptEnum Values ----*/
#define adPromptAlways 1
#define adPromptComplete 2
#define adPromptCompleteRequired 3
#define adPromptNever 4

/*---- ConnectModeEnum Values ----*/
#define adModeUnknown 0
#define adModeRead 1
#define adModeWrite 2
#define adModeReadWrite 3
#define adModeShareDenyRead 4
#define adModeShareDenyWrite 8

/*---- EventReasonEnum Values ----*/
#define adRsnAddNew 1
#define adRsnDelete 2
#define adRsnUpdate 3
#define adRsnUndoUpdate 4
#define adRsnUndoAddNew 5
#define adRsnUndoDelete 6
#define adRsnRequery 7
#define adRsnResynch 8
#define adRsnClose 9
#define adRsnMove 10
#define adRsnFirstChange 11
#define adRsnMoveFirst 12
#define adRsnMoveNext 13
#define adRsnMovePrevious 14
#define adRsnMoveLast 15

/*---- SchemaEnum Values ----*/
#define adSchemaProviderSpecific -1
#define adSchemaAsserts 0
#define adSchemaCatalogs 1
#define adSchemaCharacterSets 2
#define adSchemaCollations 3
#define adSchemaColumns 4
#define adSchemaCheckConstraints 5
#define adSchemaConstraintColumnUsage 6
#define adSchemaConstraintTableUsage 7
#define adSchemaKeyColumnUsage 8
#define adSchemaReferentialConstraints 9
#define adSchemaTableConstraints 10
#define adSchemaColumnsDomainUsage 11
#define adSchemaIndexes 12
#define adSchemaColumnPrivileges 13
#define adSchemaTablePrivileges 14
#define adSchemaUsagePrivileges 15
#define adSchemaProcedures 16
#define adSchemaSchemata 17
#define adSchemaSQLLanguages 18
#define adSchemaStatistics 19
#define adSchemaTables 20
#define adSchemaTranslations 21
#define adSchemaProviderTypes 22
#define adSchemaViews 23
#define adSchemaViewColumnUsage 24
#define adSchemaViewTableUsage 25
#define adSchemaProcedureParameters 26
#define adSchemaForeignKeys 27
#define adSchemaPrimaryKeys 28
#define adSchemaProcedureColumns 29
#define adSchemaDBInfoKeywords 30
#define adSchemaDBInfoLiterals 31
#define adSchemaCubes 32
#define adSchemaDimensions 33
#define adSchemaHierarchies 34
#define adSchemaLevels 35
#define adSchemaMeasures 36
#define adSchemaProperties 37
#define adSchemaMembers 38
#define adSchemaTrustees 39

/*---- FieldStatusEnum Values ----*/
#define adFieldOK 0
#define adFieldCantConvertValue 2
#define adFieldIsNull 3
#define adFieldTruncated 4
#define adFieldSignMismatch 5
#define adFieldDataOverflow 6
#define adFieldCantCreate 7
#define adFieldUnavailable 8
#define adFieldPermissionDenied 9
#define adFieldIntegrityViolation 10
#define adFieldSchemaViolation 11
#define adFieldBadStatus 12
#define adFieldDefault 13
#define adFieldIgnore 15
#define adFieldDoesNotExist 16
#define adFieldInvalidURL 17
#define adFieldResourceLocked 18
#define adFieldResourceExists 19
#define adFieldCannotComplete 20
#define adFieldVolumeNotFound 21
#define adFieldOutOfSpace 22
#define adFieldCannotDeleteSource 23
#define adFieldReadOnly 24
#define adFieldResourceOutOfScope 25
#define adFieldAlreadyExists 26
#define adFieldPendingInsert &H10000
#define adFieldPendingDelete &H20000
#define adFieldPendingChange &H40000
#define adFieldPendingUnknown &H80000
#define adFieldPendingUnknownDelete &H100000

/*---- SeekEnum Values ----*/
#define adSeekFirstEQ &H1
#define adSeekLastEQ &H2
#define adSeekAfterEQ &H4
#define adSeekAfter &H8
#define adSeekBeforeEQ &H10
#define adSeekBefore &H20

#define adCriteriaKey 0
#define adCriteriaAllCols 1
#define adCriteriaUpdCols 2
#define adCriteriaTimeStamp 3

#define adPriorityLowest 1
#define adPriorityBelowNormal 2
#define adPriorityNormal 3
#define adPriorityAboveNormal 4
#define adPriorityHighest 5

/*---- ADCPROP_AUTORECALC_ENUM Values ----*/
#define adRecalcUpFront 0
#define adRecalcAlways 1



/*---- MoveRecordOptionsEnum Values ----*/
#define adMoveUnspecified -1
#define adMoveOverWrite 1
#define adMoveDontUpdateLinks 2
#define adMoveAllowEmulation 4

/*---- CopyRecordOptionsEnum Values ----*/
#define adCopyUnspecified -1
#define adCopyOverWrite 1
#define adCopyAllowEmulation 4
#define adCopyNonRecursive 2

/*---- StreamTypeEnum Values ----*/
#define adTypeBinary 1
#define adTypeText 2

/*---- LineSeparatorEnum Values ----*/
#define adLF 10
#define adCR 13
#define adCRLF -1

/*---- StreamOpenOptionsEnum Values ----*/
#define adOpenStreamUnspecified -1
#define adOpenStreamAsync 1
#define adOpenStreamFromRecord 4

/*---- StreamWriteEnum Values ----*/
#define adWriteChar 0
#define adWriteLine 1

/*---- SaveOptionsEnum Values ----*/
#define adSaveCreateNotExist 1
#define adSaveCreateOverWrite 2

/*---- FieldEnum Values ----*/
#define adDefaultStream -1
#define adRecordURL -2

/*---- StreamReadEnum Values ----*/
#define adReadAll -1
#define adReadLine -2

/*---- RecordTypeEnum Values ----*/
#define adSimpleRecord 0
#define adCollectionRecord 1
#define adStructDoc 2
My sample database:

Code: Select all

 * Mais informacoes sobre ADO em 
#include "" 
#include "" 

    PUBLIC oRs

    StrDatabase   := [DBMRDELIVERY]
    StrServer     := []
    StrPort       := 3306
    StrUserID     := [root]
    StrUserPWD    := []
    StrDriver     := "MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver"

    StrTable      := [TBCLIENTE]
    StrField      := [ddd]
    StrField2     := [nome]
    StrWhere      := StrField+[="034"]

    StrSqlCommand := [SELECT * FROM ] + StrTable + [ WHERE ] + StrWhere

    ADO CONNECT ON StrServer ;
                PORT StrPort ;
                DATABASE StrDatabase ;
		USER StrUserID ;
                PASSWORD StrUserPWD ;
                OPTIONS 35 ;
		DRIVER StrDriver

    ADO EXECUTE StrSqlCommand


    Browse( oRs )



function WBrowseRecordSet( oRs, cStrField ) 
    LOCAL oDlg, oBrw, nRec 
    DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 300, 300 
    @ 0, 0 LISTBOX oBrw FIELDS oRs:Fields( "nome" ):Value ; 
           HEADERS "Nome do Cliente" ;
           FIELDSIZES 300 ;
           ON RIGHT CLICK ( nRec := oRs:AbsolutePosition,; 
                            oBrw:Report( "TWBrowse report", .T. ),; 
                            oRs:Move( nRec - 1 ) ) 
    oBrw:bLDblClick:= { |nRow,nCol| MsgStop( oRs:Fields( "BAIRRO" ):Value ) }
    oBrw:nHeaderStyle  := 2
    oBrw:nHeaderHeight := 20
    oBrw:nLineHeight   := 15
    oBrw:bLogicLen := { || oRs:RecordCount }
    oBrw:bGoTop    := { || oRs:MoveFirst() } 
    oBrw:bGoBottom := { || oRs:MoveLast() } 
    oBrw:bSkip     := { | nSkip | ADOSkipper( oRs, nSkip ) } 
    oBrw:cAlias    := "ARRAY" 
             ON INIT oDlg:SetControl( oBrw ); 

function browse(oRs, bPrc, bAdc, bAlt, bExc, bImp, bSai)
    LOCAL oDlg, oBrw, nRec 
    LOCAL aData := {}
    LOCAL nFor
    LOCAL oLbx, cItem
    LOCAL btnPrc, btnAdc, btnAlt, btnExc, btnImp, btnsai

    DEFAULT bPrc    := { || RecPrc( oLbx ) },;
            bAdc    := { || RecInc( oLbx ) },;
            bAlt    := { || RecAlt( oLbx ) },;
            bExc    := { || RecExc( oLbx ) },;
            bImp    := { || RecImp( oLbx ) },;
            bSai    := { || oDlg2:End() }

    DEFINE DIALOG oDlg2 From 0,0 To 800,1020 Pixel TITLE " ListBox da Tabela "
    @ 05,15 listbox oBrw Fields oRs:Fields( "nome" ):Value, oRs:Fields( "fone" ):Value;
             headers "Nome","Telefone";
             fieldsizes 250,100   ;
             pixel size 400,300 of odlg2

    //oBrw:bLDblClick:= { |nRow,nCol| MsgStop( oRs:Fields( "apelido" ):Value ) }
    oBrw:nHeaderStyle  := 2
    oBrw:nHeaderHeight := 20
    oBrw:nLineHeight   := 15
    oBrw:bLogicLen := { || oRs:RecordCount }
    oBrw:bGoTop    := { || oRs:MoveFirst() } 
    oBrw:bGoBottom := { || oRs:MoveLast() } 
    oBrw:bSkip     := { | nSkip | ADOSkipper( oRs, nSkip ) } 
    oBrw:cAlias    := "ARRAY" 

    @ 18.7 , 05 button btnprc prompt "&Procurar"  of oDlg2 size 40,12 Action RecPrc(oBrw)
    @ 18.7 , 15 button btnadc prompt "&Adicionar" of oDlg2 size 40,12 Action RecInc(oBrw)
    @ 18.7 , 25 button btnalt prompt "A&lterar"   of oDlg2 size 40,12 Action RecAlt(oBrw)
    @ 18.7 , 35 button btnexc prompt "&Excluir"   of oDlg2 size 40,12 Action RecExc(oBrw)
    @ 18.7 , 45 button btnimp prompt "&Imprimir"  of oDlg2 size 40,12 
    @ 18.7 , 55 button btnsai prompt "&Sair"      of oDlg2 size 40,12 Action oDlg2:End()

    ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg2 //; 
             //ON INIT oDlg2:SetControl( oBrw ); 

function ADOSkipper( oRs, nSkip ) 
    LOCAL nRec := oRs:AbsolutePosition 
    oRs:Move( nSkip ) 
    IF oRs:EOF; oRs:MoveLast(); ENDIF 
    IF oRs:BOF; oRs:MoveFirst(); ENDIF 
    RETURN oRs:AbsolutePosition - nRec

static function  RecPrc(oLbx)
    Local odlg1
    Local cCodigo:=0
    Local cSair:=" "
    Local sql
    DEFINE DIALOG oDlg1 From 0,0 To 160,250  PIXEL;
           TITLE " Procura na Tabela em Access " 
    DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "FIXEDSYS" SIZE 10, -10    && Use a Nonproportional font
    SET FONT OF oDlg1 TO oFont                         && so characters line up in Says
    @ 02,05 say "Codigo : " OF oDlg1 
    @ 02.2,10 get cCodigo   OF oDlg1 picture "9999" size 20,10 
    @ 02.7 , 10 button "Procurar"  of oDlg1 size 40,12 action (cSair:="*",oDlg1:End())
    ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg1 centered 
    if cSair="*"
       //locate for (odbf:cAlias)->field_0001 = cCodigo
       criterio = "idpessoa Like '" + cCodigo + "%'"
       //oRs:Find criterio, 0, adSearchFoward
       if eof()
          msgAlert("NÆo encontrado !!!")
          go top
    return nil

static function  RecInc(oLbx)
    LOCAL odlg3
    LOCAL cNome     := space(40)
    LOCAL cTelefone := space(14)
    LOCAL cEndereco := space(45)
    LOCAL cSair     := " "
    DEFINE DIALOG oDlg3 From 0,0 To 230,500 PIXEL TITLE " Inclusao na Tabela em Access " 
    DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "FIXEDSYS" SIZE 10, -10    && Use a Nonproportional font
    SET FONT OF oDlg3 TO oFont                         && so characters line up in Says
    @ 02,05 say "Nome_____: " OF oDlg3 
    @ 03,05 say "Telefone_: " OF oDlg3
    @ 04,05 say "Endereco_: " OF oDlg3 
    //go bottom
    //cCodigo := odbf:au_id+1
    @ 02.2,10 get cNome     OF oDlg3 picture "@!" size 150,10
    @ 03.3,10 get cTelefone OF oDlg3 picture "(99)9999-9999" size 100,10   valid !empty(cNome)
    @ 04.4,10 get cEndereco OF oDlg3 picture "@!" size 150,10
    @ 04.7 , 15 button "Salvar"   of oDlg3 size 40,12 action (cSair:="*",oDlg3:End())
    ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg3 centered 
    if cSair="*"
       ADO REPLACE nome        WITH cNome
       ADO REPLACE fone        WITH cTelefone
       ADO REPLACE endereco    WITH cEndereco
       ADO COMMIT 
    return nil

static function  RecExc(oLbx)
    if MsgYesNo( "Excluir este Registro ?", "Por Favor, confirme" )
       ADO SKIP
    return nil

static function  RecAlt(oLbx)
    LOCAL odlg3
    LOCAL cNome     := oRs:Fields( "nome" ):Value
    LOCAL cTelefone := oRs:Fields( "fone" ):Value
    LOCAL cEstado   := oRs:Fields( "endereco" ):Value
    LOCAL cSair     := " "
    DEFINE DIALOG oDlg3 From 0,0 To 230,500 PIXEL TITLE " Inclusao na Tabela em Access " 
    DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "FIXEDSYS" SIZE 10, -10    && Use a Nonproportional font
    SET FONT OF oDlg3 TO oFont                         && so characters line up in Says
    @ 02,05 say "Nome_____: " OF oDlg3 
    @ 03,05 say "Telefone_: " OF oDlg3
    @ 04,05 say "Endereco_: " OF oDlg3 
    //go bottom
    //cCodigo := odbf:au_id+1
    @ 02.2,10 get cNome     OF oDlg3 picture "@!" size 150,10
    @ 03.3,10 get cTelefone OF oDlg3 picture "(99)9999-9999" size 100,10   valid !empty(cNome)
    @ 04.4,10 get cEndereco OF oDlg3 picture "@!" size 150,10
    @ 04.7 , 15 button "Salvar"   of oDlg3 size 40,12 action (cSair:="*",oDlg3:End())
    ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg3 centered 
    if cSair="*"
       ADO REPLACE nome        WITH cNome
       ADO REPLACE fone        WITH cTelefone
       ADO REPLACE endereco    WITH cEndereco
       ADO COMMIT 
    return nil

static function RecImp( oLbx )
   local oRpt
   local n
   local cAlias := If( oLbx != nil, oLbx:cAlias, Alias() )

   REPORT oRpt TITLE "Report: " + cAlias ;
      HEADER "Date: " + DToC( Date() ) + ", Time: " + Time() ;
      FOOTER "Page: " + Str( oRpt:nPage, 3 ) ;

      if Empty( oRpt ) .or. oRpt:oDevice:hDC == 0
         return nil

      for n = 1 to FCount()
         oRpt:AddColumn( TrColumn():New( { FInfo1( cAlias, n ) },,;
                     { FInfo2( cAlias, n ) },,,,,,,,,, oRpt ) )



return nil

static function FInfo1( cAlias, n )
return { || ( cAlias )->( FieldName( n ) ) }

static function FInfo2( cAlias, n )
return { || ( cAlias )->( FieldGet( n ) ) }

Function DbfDbt()
Return Nil
This samples works with MySQL, but you can modify to work with Access.

No i sent in private, i prefer to share this information.

Good work.