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Show Image with % of transparency

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:32 pm
by Adolfo

I think I saw a solution for this, but I'm unable to find it. So if anyone saw it, please send me the link to the post.

Is there a way to paint a background, image on a window and tell it to paint with a some % of transparency, so the client didn't bother to make the image partialy transparent.

Something like.. Paint_image(cFile, 0.3) // 0.3 being 30%

Thanks in advance.

Froom Chile

Re: Show Image with % of transparency

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:21 am
by ukoenig

with the Imagetools, You can create a background-image
with a included transparent logo :
( there will be a update in a short time )

to draw a logo on any other control like a window or dialog :
( be sure, it is a ALPHABLENDED IMAGE )

#include ""
function Main()
local oWnd, oBmp, oBrush
DEFINE BITMAP oBmp FILENAME "..\bitmaps\AlphaBmp\Trash.bmp"
DEFINE BRUSH oBrush FILENAME "..\bitmaps\backgrnd\paper2.bmp"
DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "FWH 8.05 Transparencies" ;
COLOR 0, "N/W" BRUSH oBrush
ON PAINT ABPaint( hDC, 10, 10, oBmp:hBitmap, 220 ) // 0-255 transparency level
return nil

To create a MERGED image ( can include different logos with different sizes and transp.-levels ):

1. Select a main-image with the button < Load >
2. from the combobox select style : Transp.logo
3. select a alpha-logo ( You can add different logos during the painting )
4. from a combobox select the transparent level
5. from a combobox, You can define a resize-factor
6. with a left mouseclick You can place the logo on the main-image
7. use UNDO, if You don't like the position
8. at the end use the button < export >, to create the image
-- You can define the Export-filename ( saved in subdirectory EXPORT )
9. the button < show > opens a preview of the result


Code: Select all

// -----------TRANSPARENT LOGO ----------------------

LOCAL oImg0, oImg, nLWidth, nLHeight

// hMemDC = DC of the main-image 
IF FILE ( cImagepath + ALLTRIM(cTLogo) )
     // get the size with a defined resize-factor
     DEFINE IMAGE oImg0 FILENAME cImagepath + ALLTRIM(cTLogo)
     nLWidth := oImg0:nWidth *  ( nLIResize / 100 )
     nLHeight := oImg0:nHeight * ( nLIResize / 100 )

     // load the image
     oImg0 := FILoadImg( cImagepath + cTLogo )
     // resize with a given resize-factor
     oImg := ResizeImg( oImg0, nLWidth, nLHeight )

     // nWFactor and nHFactor = display-size-factor of the main-image
     IF nWFactor > 1 .and. nHFactor > 1
          ABPaint( hMemDC, aPoints[1][2], aPoints[1][1], oImg, nTrLevel )
          IF nWFactor < nHFactor   .OR.   nWFactor < 1 .and. nHFactor > 1 
               ABPaint( hMemDC, aPoints[1][2] / nWFactor, aPoints[1][1] / nWFactor, oImg, nTrLevel )
          IF nWFactor > nHFactor   .OR.   nWFactor > 1 .and. nHFactor < 1 
               ABPaint( hMemDC, aPoints[1][2] / nHFactor, aPoints[1][1] / nHFactor, oImg, nTrLevel )
     MsgAlert( "File : " + ALLTRIM(cTLogo) + CRLF + ;
          "does not exist" + CRLF + ; 
          "to show Image !", "ERROR" ) 

best regards
Uwe :lol:

Re: Show Image with % of transparency

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:24 pm
by Adolfo

Thansk again for your help, I appreciate it a lot.

Let me explain something to you, I don't know, there's no way I can manage the type of images my client is going to use. I'm pretty sure they won't be AlphaBlended, since they are no "power users", so I guess they will use any picture taken from a camera o some screen captures.

With that on mind, your routine will not help me.
So, is there a way to paint any jpg with some degree of transparency?

Thanks in advance

From Chile

Re: Show Image with % of transparency

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:09 pm
by ukoenig

This image shows a JPG saved as a BMP with ALPHACHANNEL and displayed with different
transparent-levels. NO transparent-areas are defined.
You MUST convert a image, to add / define transparent levels if not included.
I can try to create a function from inside a program, to convert a image and adding the needed Alphachannel.
Sample : Olga.JPG loaded with < PIXELFORMER > and saved as BMP ( or PNG ) with alphachannel.


best regards
Uwe :lol: