ADSCDX\5023 error

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ADSCDX\5023 error

Post by dutch »

Dear All,

I've got this error while to use DbCloseAll() function with ADS. It has data open but error as subject and code.

Code: Select all

   Path and name : D:\V5\EZ4POS\Release\EZ4POS5.EXE (32 bits)
   Gr๖฿e : 4,847,616 bytes
   Time from start : 0 hours 0 mins 14 secs 
   Error occurred at : 11/09/13, 13:38:24
   Error description : Error ADSCDX/5023  Read error

Stack Calls
   Called from : D:\V5\EZ4POS\EZCASH1.PRG => (b)CASHIER(41)
   Called from :  => DBCLOSEALL(0)
   Called from : D:\V5\EZ4POS\EZPOS.PRG => NOWQUIT(2979)
   Called from : D:\V5\EZ4POS\EZPOS.PRG => LOGOFF(3949)
   Called from : D:\V5\EZ4POS\EZPOS.PRG => (b)MAIN(466)
Thank you in advance for any help and idea.

FWH 19.01 / xHarbour Simplex 1.2.3 / BCC73 / Pelles C / UEStudio
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Re: ADSCDX\5023 error

Post by Dima »

hb_waEval( {|| (Alias())->(DbClearRelation())} )
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Re: ADSCDX\5023 error

Post by dutch »

Dear Dima,

I think so. Because the new xHarbour 1.2.3, I cannot close the main database file before close related file. It will show an error "Read Error".

Which library has contain the hb_waEval() function? I cannot compile with xHB 1.2.3 and FWH1305.
Dima wrote:.........
hb_waEval( {|| (Alias())->(DbClearRelation())} )
Thanks in advance.

FWH 19.01 / xHarbour Simplex 1.2.3 / BCC73 / Pelles C / UEStudio
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Re: ADSCDX\5023 error

Post by Dima »

hb_waEval() -> Harbour 2.0

Code: Select all

amas:=aGetWorkAreas() // FW
   if len(amas)#0
 for each als in amas
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Re: ADSCDX\5023 error

Post by dutch »

Dear Dima,

Thank you so much, it works fine now.

FWH 19.01 / xHarbour Simplex 1.2.3 / BCC73 / Pelles C / UEStudio
FWPPC 10.02 / Harbour for PPC (FTDN)
ADS V.9 / MySql / MariaDB
R&R 12 Infinity / Crystal Report XI R2
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