Excel file in TsBrowse
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:05 pm
I tried to use the fExcel function as described in TsBrwose V70 notes.
It buils up a Dialog but fails in the part:
@ 66, 36 BUTTON aCtl[ 7 ] PROMPT "&Accept" OF oDlg ;
ACTION ( If( nVer == 2, ;
oBrw:ExcelOle( cFile, lActivate, aCtl[ 9 ], cTitle,, lSave ), ;
oBrw:Excel2( cFile, lActivate, aCtl[ 9 ], cTitle, lSave ) ), ;
oDlg:End(), oBrw:SetFocus() ) ;
FONT oFont SIZE 38, 12 PIXEL
Error message is:
Class: 'ARRAY' has no exported method: EXCELOLE
[ 1] = C Excelfile
[ 2] = L .T.
[ 3] = O Object
[ 4] = C No Title
[ 5] = U
[ 6] = L .F.
Class: 'ARRAY' has no exported method: EXCELOLE
[ 1] = C Excelfile
[ 2] = L .T.
[ 3] = O Object
[ 4] = C No Title
[ 5] = U
[ 6] = L .F.
depending on selecting Excel2 or ExcelOle
I included all the mentioned #Defines
Can anyone give some support?
Jules de Pierre
It buils up a Dialog but fails in the part:
@ 66, 36 BUTTON aCtl[ 7 ] PROMPT "&Accept" OF oDlg ;
ACTION ( If( nVer == 2, ;
oBrw:ExcelOle( cFile, lActivate, aCtl[ 9 ], cTitle,, lSave ), ;
oBrw:Excel2( cFile, lActivate, aCtl[ 9 ], cTitle, lSave ) ), ;
oDlg:End(), oBrw:SetFocus() ) ;
FONT oFont SIZE 38, 12 PIXEL
Error message is:
Class: 'ARRAY' has no exported method: EXCELOLE
[ 1] = C Excelfile
[ 2] = L .T.
[ 3] = O Object
[ 4] = C No Title
[ 5] = U
[ 6] = L .F.
Class: 'ARRAY' has no exported method: EXCELOLE
[ 1] = C Excelfile
[ 2] = L .T.
[ 3] = O Object
[ 4] = C No Title
[ 5] = U
[ 6] = L .F.
depending on selecting Excel2 or ExcelOle
I included all the mentioned #Defines
Can anyone give some support?
Jules de Pierre