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OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:45 am
by csincuir
See this news (in spanish).
And look at the video that looks at it, wonderful!

Microsoft takes its first hardware to the software ...! Something never seen before, much like Apple.



Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:59 am
by Antonio Linares

Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:10 am
by Eoeo
Based on ARM processor .... Can we use fwppc or fwh ?

Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:19 am
by Antonio Linares
Can't resist to comment this :-)

If you look at the video on minute 13:30, he tries to open something from the internet explore for FOUR times and it does not work. Then he gets nervous and tries to exit pushing the home button, for several times with no success, finally he goes to the near table and takes another unit...

We all have errors and make mistakes but this cannot happen to Microsoft on an international presentation.

Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:43 am
by Massimo Linossi
Yes. Really incredible :lol:

Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:25 am
by Antonio Linares
I love the keyboard and mouse pad integrated in the cover, brilliant! :-)

Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:44 pm
by norberto
will have 2 versions, surface (winrt) and surface pro (x 86), surface pro will run our applications without changes.

Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:07 am
by mastintin

Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:23 pm
by Bayron
Antonio Linares wrote:I love the keyboard and mouse pad integrated in the cover, brilliant! :-)
I don't think that that is MicroSoft's idea...

This one is already in the market:


I love the keyboard as well, but I can't think where that keyboard it's going to go since the idea of a table is to be portable...

Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:52 pm
by Rick Lipkin
To All

I remember a great video at the time Bill Gates was retiring. I found it on YouTube and it is hilarious .. Shows a clip from the David Letterman late night show and an announcer narrating Bill Gates life and during the presentation, the computer Blue Screens.

I would have posted the the link here .. however, I felt it may be in-appropriate in a public forum .. For those who would like to see this .. go to and search for "Presentation on Bill Gates on David Letterman results in blue screen of death"


Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:33 pm
by mastintin

Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:53 pm
by norberto

Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:43 pm
by Massimo Linossi

Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:51 pm
by TimStone
There is a lot of discussion on this and we will probably learn a whole lot more in the next few weeks.

Based on all that I read over the weekend, I'm wondering if we are about to see Microsoft purchase Nokia outright, and they will make the Surface and the new Windows 8 phone and brand it as the Microsoft Phone and the Microsoft Tablet.

For many years, hardware manufacturers have been rather sloppy on implementing all of the capabilities Microsoft has supported. Maybe this is the "kick in the seat of the pants" that they need to realize Msft is serious about Windows 8 and the standards. People move to Apple because of the quality control ( previous reputation that may be falling off ... see reviews on the issues with the new Retina display version of the Mac Book Pro ), and Microsoft may have to exercise some authority to stem the flow of people abandoning the ship.


Re: OT: First Tablet with Windows 8 MS Surface ...

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:42 pm
by norberto
From zdnet today:

Frankly, I’m OK with a Microsoft tablet computer
By Ken Hess | June 26, 2012, 4:00am PDT

Summary: It’s easy to sit back and throw stones at Microsoft’s decision to brand a tablet computer but I have some very compelling reasons to like it.

Where do you want to go tomorrow when you need a resolution?

If this truly is, as many of my colleagues have opined, the Post PC Era, Microsoft’s tablet computer is a natural evolution of kind. I don’t really see the point in spreading or feeling so much bile about it. Sure, I poked a bit of fun at the Surface when I heard that Microsoft was really branding its very own tablet computer. But, after reading the negative commentary on ZDNet and elsewhere, I have to tell you, I think it’s a good thing.

Yes, Microsoft has put itself in somewhat of a competitive position with some of its vendors but that’s business, I guess. The fact that Microsoft had the gall to do it really impresses me. Seriously.

Let’s face it, Microsoft’s Windows operating system is THE choice for business desktops. You have to admit it. The natural and logical next step is to produce a Windows-based tablet computer. I think the fact that now businesses have a total Microsoft option is good. Other companies have done this sort of thing for years.

The list of companies that develop an OS to run on their own hardware is pretty long.

Digital, Compaq, HP, IBM, Sun, Apple, SGI and others do it and have done it. Why not? For superior performance and excellent support, it’s the best option.

Why? Because this way, you don’t have the classic finger pointing that goes on between hardware and software vendors during a troubleshooting episode. If you ran Solaris 8 on an E10K, Sun knew exactly how to fix it. If you had AIX on an IBM PowerPC system, you were golden. When I worked for WorldCom, I could call HP support, give them my system serial number and the guy on the phone knew exactly how my system board DIP switches should be set. The same goes for all of the single vendor hardware-software combined solutions. It makes perfect sense if you’ve ever actually worked in an IT support role.

Yes, I know Microsoft-bashing is fun and I’ve done a bit of it myself over the years. But, when it really boils down to resolving a problem on a system that I’m responsible for, I know that I can pick up the phone, dial Microsoft’s support line and get my problem resolved. They have never failed me. And, I’ve thrown some tough problems to them over the years.

I’ve had Microsoft actually provide me with “custom” fixes for problems that they didn’t have a public fix for. They’ve helped me many times over the past 20-ish years and I’m grateful. Their latest assistance saved me at least 40 hours worth of reimaging, reinstallation, reconfiguration and rehashing documentation that had passed through many hands. Again, grateful.

If Microsoft produced their own server hardware, I’d be a fan of that too. I can only imagine how frustrating it is to answer a support call and have to deal with a system built with an unlimited possible array of hardware parts. Not an easy task.

You don’t have that issue with standardized hardware. It is for this reason that Apple never allowed clones of their systems. They were smart enough to know that it opens up too much potential for failure. Apple-branded hardware means consistency. That’s why Apple products, “just work.” Microsoft’s tablets will have the same effect: Consistency. They will work too.

I like consistency. It makes my life easier. It also makes my support calls a lot less frustrating.

Therefore, I’m perfectly OK with a Microsoft tablet computer.

The other thing I look forward to in a Microsoft tablet? The fact that it will fit into a Microsoft network without a great deal of effort on my part. I won’t need “an App for that” because support for whatever it is that I need will be built into the device by default.

I’ll be able to logon to a domain, map drives, get Outlook mail, run Microsoft Office, dock a keyboard, attach a monitor and manage my Windows servers with a Microsoft tablet. Yes, I’d probably be able to do all that with any random vendor’s Windows-based tablet but I know the Microsoft one will do it. And, if something goes wrong, I can call that single vendor and get resolution.

Say what you want about Microsoft’s decision to brand a piece of hardware. Frankly, I’m OK with it.