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Converting Fivewin to harbour TCBROWSE aTcBrWPosR() not foun

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:42 pm
Compiling a fivewin clipper program with harbour I get the message :
Unresolved External _HB_FUN_ATCBRWPOSR .
I compile TCBROWSE.PRG with the rest of the modules.

Where is the ATCBRWPOSR() function within TCBROWSE.PRG located?

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:22 pm
by James Bott

Why are you compiling TCBROWSE.PRG? It is already included in the FW libraries. Is it an old copy? Try not including your compiled version.

ATCBRWPOSR() is the Clipper version of the function. It sounds like you might be linking in a Clipper library.

\source\function\tbcfuncs.c contains the function.


Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:02 am
by Antonio Linares

You have to rename ATCBRWPOSR() into ATCBRWPOSRECT()