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Mousewheel and Wbrowse

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:16 pm
by peterk
Hi Antonio

Occasionally in our browses using wbrowse, when scrolling down or up using the mouse wheel, the browse scrolls left or right instead
This has been irritating me for a long time. The following seems to be the offending code:

METHOD MouseWheel( nKeys, nDelta, nXPos, nYPos ) CLASS TWBrowse

local aPos := { nYPos, nXPos }
aPos := ScreenToClient( ::hWnd, aPos )

if aPos[ 1 ] > ::nHeight * 0.80
if nDelta > 0

The *.8 above seems to some sort of guestimate value and I think causes the wrong behavior occasionally.
Can you explain the *8 please / consider the above


Re: Mousewheel and Wbrowse

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:17 pm
by James Bott
It was supposed to be a feature. When the cursor is near the bottom, the browse scrolls to the horizontally insead of vertically. Perhaps WBrowse should have a flag to turn this off. If you would like this, I suggest asking Antonio.
