RePrint -- richtext
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 7:51 pm
Back with more richtext needs.
In hopes of printing rtfs to an existing and opened oprn:hdc and only occupy a given region of the document, I'm taking a peek at HB_FUNC( REPRINT ).
I can't see how using RePrint. It would take some serious modifications.
I think the fw world would really benefit from having the ability to print rtf text to a region of a trpinter object. Or just add rtf printing to tprinter. Something like:
oprn:RtfPrint( ntop, nLeft, nbottom, nRight, oRTF:GetSel() )
::rtfPrint would print the selected text with its attributes --that is font, color, background color, etc...
I'm hoping some of the Guru's here can shed some light on the subject.
Back with more richtext needs.
In hopes of printing rtfs to an existing and opened oprn:hdc and only occupy a given region of the document, I'm taking a peek at HB_FUNC( REPRINT ).
I can't see how using RePrint. It would take some serious modifications.
I think the fw world would really benefit from having the ability to print rtf text to a region of a trpinter object. Or just add rtf printing to tprinter. Something like:
oprn:RtfPrint( ntop, nLeft, nbottom, nRight, oRTF:GetSel() )
::rtfPrint would print the selected text with its attributes --that is font, color, background color, etc...
I'm hoping some of the Guru's here can shed some light on the subject.