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index on with ADS

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:31 pm
by Anderson.OL
Source code:

Code: Select all

[286]   select 0
[287]   use dados\customer exclusive
[289]   select customer
[290]   index on FIRST tag X1 to ("Dados\CUSTOMER")

[292]   close CUSTOMER

Error description: Error ADSCDX/5096 Create error: .\Dados\CUSTOMER

Stack Calls
Called from: => ORDCREATE(0)
Called from: Main.000 => INDEXAR(290)
Called from: Main.000 => (b)CREATEMENU(219)
Called from: MENU.PRG => TMENU:COMMAND(0)

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:00 pm
by Patricio Avalos Aguirre
  • Problem: Encryption is not enabled. This error can occur when the requested operation requires a password to be set. Some of the operations that require a password to be set are: encrypting or decrypting records or tables, clearing the password, and appending or modifying records to an encrypted table.
    Problem: Encryption is not enabled. Detected on Skip. This error can occur while performing a Skip on the index of a table. The table has encrypted records but no password has been set.
Solution: Set a password before performing the operation.

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:49 pm
by Anderson.OL