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To read the telephone number

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:59 pm
by Armando
Dear friends:

For a call center is there a class or lib to read the telephone number from which they make the call ?


Phone number

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:13 pm
by ukoenig
Hello Armando,

for a customer of mine, i included a function for this.
I will have to look at the source how it works,
because i have done this a few month ago.

As far i can remember, it was impossible to connect
directly. The provider offered some c-functions for the connection.

I would say, ask the telefon-provider at first
for functions, to include in your software.

Best regards
uwe :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:37 pm
by Armando

Thanks for your reply
I would say, ask the telefon-provider at first
for functions, to include in your software.
Ok, I will
for a customer of mine, i included a function for this.
I will have to look at the source how it works,
because i have done this a few month ago.
Very well, I'll be waiting for your sample.

Best regards

Read the telefon number

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:00 am
by ukoenig
Hello Armando,

I had a look at the source, as i told you.

The customer of mine owns a extra hardware for
his telefon. Together comes a software, handling
all incomming and outgoing calls.
There is a switch in the software, that at start it is possible,
to read from memory a telefon-number.
To do telefon-calls with my software, i just needed to store the
telefon-number in memory and call the telefon-software.
It reads the memory at start and connects to the telefon-number.
That was for the call.

For the incomming there is a C-function, that must be included
in a extern program.

To read telefon-numbers seems to be the bigger problem.

In the FWH-samples, i found a directory < /Comm >.
Just have a look at it ( but it seems only for calling ) .

In my software-collection there is a telefon-sample.
I had a look at it.
It was the same : only to dial per modem.

You want to read the numer.

Maybe somebody in the forum found a other solution.
I'm sorry, but for the moment i have no other ideas to help you
with the problem.

Best Regard
Uwe :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:33 am
by Otto

I think in your case it will be an ISDN telephone.

We in our office have a FRITZ card (FRITZ xPC) from AVM ( There is a phone answering software included. This software writes into a dbf-file and we use this shared.

Otherwise I think you have to try with TAPI .

Please post more details about your hardware.

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:38 pm
by Armando
Thank you very much by your investigation, it is much more than I hoped.
and yes, it seems that I need a piece of hardware, I will investigate in these way

Thanks for the information, I have no hardware yet, just I am starting the investigation of what I will to need.

I will keep you informed.

Best regards

Hardware for telefon-marketing

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:18 pm
by ukoenig
Hello Armando,

The hardware comes together with software.
Have a look at the software and be sure,
that there is a easy support in both directions for you.
With my customer, i didn't have the choice.

Uwe :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:41 pm
by Armando

Thanks by the tip, I understand
