saving image file to blob fields
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 3:06 am
I'm working on ADS71 (CDX) and this function always returns false...
db->( adsfiletoblob('file.bmp', 'field', 7) )
//'field' is image type defined in arc32
//7 means image or 6 means binary
I thought of changing table from CDX to ADT... and so.
still returns false.
I changed field type to binary... still CANT SAVE IMAGE FILE TO FIELD...
anybody with the workaround is truly appreciated.
I'm working on ADS71 (CDX) and this function always returns false...
db->( adsfiletoblob('file.bmp', 'field', 7) )
//'field' is image type defined in arc32
//7 means image or 6 means binary
I thought of changing table from CDX to ADT... and so.
still returns false.
I changed field type to binary... still CANT SAVE IMAGE FILE TO FIELD...
Code: Select all
If db->( dbRLock( recno() ) )
if db->( adsfile2blob('d:\images\picture.bmp', 'MAP', 7) )
msginfo('file image saved to table')
msginfo('unable to save')
anybody with the workaround is truly appreciated.