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ADS 7.1 to ADS 8.1

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:12 am
by fraxzi

After I removed ADS Local server (7.1) and it associated files and then install ADS Local server (8.1)... I encountered this strange problem...

here's the code...

Code: Select all

 hADS := 0
       cCurrentRDD := 'ADS'

       lADSServer_OK := ADSConnect60( aIni[ cDATABASEPATH ], aIni[ nCONNECTTYPES ], 'user', '***')

       If lADSServer_OK

          hADS := AdsGetConnectionHandle()

          Request ADS

          rddRegister( cCurrentRDD, 1 )
          rddsetdefault( cCurrentRDD )

          Extern ADSKeyNo
          Extern ADSKeyCount
          Extern ADSSetRelKeyPos
          Extern ADSGetRelKeyPos

          AdsSetFileType( ADS_CDX )
          AdsLocking( .T. )                      
          AdsSetDateFormat( "MM.DD.YYYY" )
          AdsSetEpoch( 1930 )
          AdsSetDeleted( .F. )                 

          DBSelectArea( 1 )
          dbUseArea(.T., cCurrentRDD, 'RESPON', 'RE', .T., .F.)
          IF !NetErr()

              RE->( OrdSetFocus('RespNam') )

              cTableErrors += 'RESPON Table ' + CRLF
the above code works perfectly with both 7.1 and 8.1 BUT...

Code: Select all

             RE->( dbEval( {|| AAdd( aListBox_RESPONSIBILITY, {RE->RESPCOD,RE->RESPNAM} ) } )) 

dbEval >> DOES NOT WORK WITH 8.1 ....Apps closes without any message even within begin..sequence construct..

Code: Select all

Doe not even work too!

Any pointer?

Regards, :(

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:09 pm
by fraxzi

AdsGetConnectionHandle() not in ACE32.DLL (8.1)

but... AdsConnection() is compatible in both 7.1 and 8.1 ace32.dll

whewww! 8)


Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:26 pm
by Patricio Avalos Aguirre

Code: Select all

ADSConnect60( aIni[ cDATABASEPATH ], aIni[ nCONNECTTYPES ], 'user', '***',, @hADS)

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:53 pm
by fraxzi

I think yours is much better.... 8)
