Memo field connected with check box
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:20 pm
I simulate the check box example inside fwbrow.prg in \fwh\samples directory. The same code was imitated but with failure. It is not wotking .
No data tranfered from the checkbox to the field of the dbf. I use tdata class.
Also I need to connect a check box option with memo field . as in the third answer of that question :
How many years did you work :
[] one
[] Two
[] Other
I simulate the check box example inside fwbrow.prg in \fwh\samples directory. The same code was imitated but with failure. It is not wotking .
No data tranfered from the checkbox to the field of the dbf. I use tdata class.
Also I need to connect a check box option with memo field . as in the third answer of that question :
How many years did you work :
[] one
[] Two
[] Other
Code: Select all
method edit(oBrw) CLASS Taplicant
local oDlg,oBtn,oFont
local oaplicant:= TRecord():new( self )
local lelected:="E" $ oaplicant:Chosen
local lappointed:="A" $ oaplicant:Chosen
local lOther:="O" $ oaplicant:Chosen
if ::lAdd
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 8, 2 TO 725,1050 PIXEL ;
TITLE if(::lAdd,"Untitled","Update") ;
*DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Times New Roman" SIZE 0,-12 OF oDlg
@ 1,2 SAY "&Survey ID" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 1,50 SAY ":" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 1,60 GET oaplicant:survey_no OF oDlg pict "99999" PIXEL UPDATE
@ 20,1 SAY "Association Name" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 20,50 SAY ":" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 20,60 GET oaplicant:ass_name OF oDlg PIXEL UPDATE
@ 40,1 SAY "Contacy Name" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 40,50 SAY ":" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 60,1 SAY "Last" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 60,50 SAY ":" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 60,60 GET oaplicant:cnt_last OF oDlg PIXEL UPDATE
@ 60,160 SAY "First" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 60,210 SAY ":" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 60,220 GET oaplicant:cnt_first OF oDlg PIXEL UPDATE
@ 60,320 SAY "Middle" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 60,370 SAY ":" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 60,380 GET oaplicant:cnt_middle OF oDlg PIXEL UPDATE
@ 80,1 SAY "Position Title Within Association" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 80,80 SAY ":" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 80,90 GET oaplicant:title OF oDlg PIXEL UPDATE
@ 100,1 SAY "Association Address1 " OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 100,80 SAY ":" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 100,90 GET oaplicant:adres1 OF oDlg PIXEL UPDATE
@ 120,1 SAY " Address2" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 120,80 SAY ":" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 120,90 GET oaplicant:adres2 OF oDlg PIXEL UPDATE
@ 140,1 SAY " Address3" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 140,80 SAY ":" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 140,90 GET oaplicant:adres3 OF oDlg PIXEL UPDATE
@ 160,10 TO 240, 100 LABEL "Chairperson Chosen by:" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 180,20 CHECKBOX lElected PROMPT "&Elected" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 200,20 CHECKBOX lAppointed PROMPT "&Appointed" OF oDlg PIXEL
@ 220,20 CHECKBOX lOther PROMPT "&Others" OF oDlg PIXEL
? lElected
oaplicant:Chosen := If( lElected, "E", "" ) + ;
If( lAppointed, "A", "" ) + ;
If( lOther, "O", "" )
@ 280, 10 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "&Save" OF oDlg PIXEL SIZE 30, 12 ;
ACTION ( oaplicant:save(), oDlg:end() )
@ 280, 50 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "&Cancel" OF oDlg PIXEL SIZE 30, 12 ;
ACTION ( oDlg:end() )
return self