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Xbrowse left position on a window
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:24 pm
by Richard Chidiak
How can we set from code the left position of a xbrowse
I want it to start at an offset of 200 pixels
0,200 XBROWSE OBRW of ownd PIXEL .... Does not work
oBrw := TXBrowse():New(oWND) and oBrw:nLeft := 200 does not work neither
Any clue ?
Thanks for your help,
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:41 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
@ nRow,nCol XBROWSE oBrw OF oWnd ....... SIZE nWidth,nHeight PIXEL works correctly if we do not use "oWnd:oClient := oBrw".
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:47 pm
by Richard Chidiak
Thanks for the clue but if we remove oWnd:oClient := oBrw the browse does not show in the window...
Still the problem,
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:19 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
It is working for me.
Modified the code in the testxbrw3.prg as below
Code: Select all
@ 100,20 XBROWSE oBrw ;
COLUMNS "State", "City", "First", "Married", "HireDate", "Age", "Salary", "Last" ;
OF ownd ;
SIZE 400,300 PIXEL ;
Here is the screen shot
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:21 pm
by Richard Chidiak
I am using fwh 8.04 could it be a difference ?
I will load fwh 8.05 and make a test
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:24 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
I am not very sure, but I think it should work with 8.04 also. I ddi not notice any changes in 8.05 relating to this.
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:29 pm
by Richard Chidiak
I am using a SDI window not a MDI like testxbr3 , I will post a small sample for testing purpose
Thanks for your help
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:58 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
It is working on SDI window also. I have just tested it
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 4:11 pm
by Richard Chidiak
OK i have it working now, the writing is important, you have to specify the size of the browse to make it work
@ 10,200 XBROWSE oBrw ;
OF wnd ;
SIZE ownd:nwidth - 200,ownd:nHeight - 30 PIXEL ;
ALIAS myalias
This syntax will work , if the size clauses is removed the browse will display but no offsets will be taken into consideration.
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 4:18 pm
by Antonio Linares
We have to fix that. Thanks for your feedback!