How to calculate a Resource-Position from TCONTROL ?
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:37 pm
I need the position LEFT / TOP of a resource inside of a dialog.
The informations, i can get from TCONTROL.
I have done some tests, but i am not shure.
Anybody knows, how to calculate this ?
That works, but i am not really shure, if it is OK.
Best Regards
Uwe [/img]
I need the position LEFT / TOP of a resource inside of a dialog.
The informations, i can get from TCONTROL.
I have done some tests, but i am not shure.
Anybody knows, how to calculate this ?
That works, but i am not really shure, if it is OK.
Code: Select all
MOVETO( hDC, 0, 0 ) // Go to Pos. Resource Top, Left
hDC1 := oDlg1:GetDC() // Get Dlg- DC
// Top Position to paint on Dialog
nAlphaTop := nBMPHIGHT + 5 // Height of Resource
// oBmp2 = Alpgablended Bitmap
// I want to paint 5 pixel from the bottom of the resource
ABPaint( hDC1, 0, nAlphaTop, oBmp2:hBitmap, 255 )
oDlg1:ReleaseDC(0, hDC1)
Uwe [/img]