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Link errors may 805

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 5:36 pm
by Rick Lipkin

I am getting link errors ( fivehc|anigif )with May 805 .. I sent you a private e-mail .. here are the errors I am getting .. Using Borland 5.82 ( not 5.5 ) and I have added the additional library in \pdsk\msimg32.lib

Here is a list of my linked libs:

C:\FWH805\LIB\Fivehx.lib +
C:\FWH805\LIB\Fivehc.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\rtl.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\vm.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\gtgui.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\lang.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\macro.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\rdd.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\dbfcdx.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\dbffpt.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\dbfntx.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\hbsix.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\common.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\pp.lib +
C:\XHARBOUR\Lib\pcrepos.lib +
C:\Borland\BCC582\Lib\CW32.LIB +
C:\Borland\BCC582\Lib\IMPORT32.LIB +
C:\Borland\BCC582\Lib\PSDK\msimg32.lib,, +

Any Ideas ??
Rick Lipkin

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 5:55 pm
by Antonio Linares

Where to download the upgrade to Borland 5.82 from ?

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 7:30 pm
by Rick Lipkin

I downloaded it some time ago .. trying to go back and get the link .. it was under Turbo C++ explorer ( english ) on Codegear

You will have to install to a test computer .. will install the IDE and you will need to load 4 or 5 pre-requisites .. .net .. 1.1.. sdk's .. and once you get those loaded you can install.

I just picked out the \bin

folders and copied them to my c:\borland folder.. all the rest pertain to the IDE which I did not need so I trashed them on the TEST computer.

Hope this helps

Rick Lipkin

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:31 pm
by Antonio Linares

I have sent you an email with a request, so we may recompile anigif.cpp with your compiler version