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Once again : synchronizing with Outlook through OLE

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 4:04 pm
by driessen

I give it another try.

Is someone able to help me to build a synchronization in FWH between a calender in DBF-format and an Outlook calender ?

I am able to read the Outlook data but how do I write a calender item in outlook, how do I delete a calender item in outlook, how can I read which item is the newest : the one in the DBF-file or the one in Outlook ?

Is there any difference between a normal PST-file and Outlook connected to an exchange server ?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help.


Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:30 pm
by pymsoft

see this:

Code: Select all

#define outlookFolderCalendar 9
#define olFolderContacts 10

FUNCTION PrendiDatiOutlook()

LOCAL oOutlook, hApptItem, oNameSpace, ocalendar, hOutlook, ;
  lSave := .F., ;
  lFOUND := .F., ;
  I := 0, nItems



IF !FILE( oV:arc_dir + "eventi.dat" )
  DBCREATE( oV:arc_dir + "eventi.dat", {;
          { "EVN_DATE" ,  "D", 8, 0 },;
          { "EVN_TIME" ,  "C", 5, 0 },;
          { "EVN_SUBJ" ,  "C", 20, 0 },;
          { "EVN_IDOUT",  "C", 45, 0 },;
          { "EVN_OP"   ,  "C",  2, 0 },;
          { "EVN_MEMO" ,  "M", 10, 0}})

IF !FILE( oV:arc_dir + "eventi.ind" )
  USE ( oV:arc_dir + "eventi.dat" ) NEW ALIAS eventi EXCLUSIVE
  INDEX ON DTOS( FIELD->EVN_DATE ) + FIELD->EVN_TIME TAG uno TO ( oV:arc_dir + "eventi.ind" )
  INDEX ON FIELD->EVN_IDOUT TAG due TO ( oV:arc_dir + "eventi.ind" )

  USE ( oV:arc_dir + "eventi.dat" ) NEW ALIAS eventi SHARED INDEX ( oV:arc_dir + "eventi.ind" )
  eventi->( ordSetFocus(2) )

  oOutlook := CREATEOBJECT( "Outlook.Application" )
  oNameSpace := oOutlook:GetNameSpace("MAPI")
  ocalendar := oNameSpace:GetDefaultFolder(outlookFolderCalendar )
  nItems := ocalendar:Items:Count
  //msginfo( nItems )

  FOR I := 1 TO nItems
    //msginfo( VALTYPE( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:START ) )
    cTxt := PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:ConversationIndex, 45 ) +  " - " + ;
            PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:START, 19 ) + " - " +;
            PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:END, 19 ) + " - " +;
            ocalendar:Items[ i ]:SUBJECT + " - " +; 
            ocalendar:Items[ i ]:Body

    IF !eventi->( dbSeek( PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:ConversationIndex, 45 ) ) )
      eventi->( dbAppend() )
      REPLACE eventi->evn_idout WITH PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:ConversationIndex, 45 )
      REPLACE eventi->evn_date WITH CTOD( PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:START, 10 ) )
      REPLACE eventi->evn_time WITH RIGHT( PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:START, 19 ), 8 )
      REPLACE eventi->evn_subj WITH ocalendar:Items[ i ]:SUBJECT
      REPLACE eventi->evn_memo WITH ocalendar:Items[ i ]:BODY
      REPLACE eventi->evn_op WITH cOperatore

//01C868AF1EC46949DA0314C440AA9FE7C122E63FE176  - 06/02/2008 18:59:59 - 06/02/2008 19:30:00 - PROVA PROVA PROVA 06-02-2008 - PROVA DI TESTO...

    InfStat( cTxt )
    WriteInfoTxt( cTxt, , "datiOutlook.txt", .T. )
      IF DTOS(ocalendar:Items[ i ]:START) = DTOS(CTOD(CDATE)) .AND. ocalendar:Items[ i ]:SUBJECT = cObjet ;
      .AND. ocalendar:Items[ i ]:Body = cNote .AND. ocalendar:Items[ i ]:Duration = NLeninmin
      LFOUND := TRUE
      I := 1000000
  OOutlook := NIL
  lSave := .t.
  lSave := .f.

  eventi->( dbCloseArea() )




Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:57 pm
by driessen

I am very greatful for your answer.

I'll try it out as soon as possible and I'll put my experiences here.

Thanks once again.


Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:49 pm
by driessen

Is it possible that you example only reads the calendar items in Outlook and puts the into a DBF-file ?

What I need is this : I want to read the calender items in Outlook and I add them into DBF if they don't exist yet. But I also want to read calender items in DBF and add them into Outlook. If both items are existing, the oldest one has to be updated by the newest one.

That is real synchronizing.

I need to do the same thing with the tasks.

Any idea ?



Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:38 am
by pymsoft
driessen wrote:Pedro,

Is it possible that you example only reads the calendar items in Outlook and puts the into a DBF-file ?

--> Yes:

FOR I := 1 TO nItems
IF !eventi->( dbSeek( PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:ConversationIndex, 45 ) ) )
eventi->( dbAppend() )
REPLACE eventi->evn_idout WITH PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:ConversationIndex, 45 )
REPLACE eventi->evn_date WITH CTOD( PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:START, 10 ) )
REPLACE eventi->evn_time WITH RIGHT( PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:START, 19 ), 8 )
REPLACE eventi->evn_subj WITH ocalendar:Items[ i ]:SUBJECT
REPLACE eventi->evn_memo WITH ocalendar:Items[ i ]:BODY
REPLACE eventi->evn_op WITH cOperatore

What I need is this : I want to read the calender items in Outlook and I add them into DBF if they don't exist yet. But I also want to read calender items in DBF and add them into Outlook. If both items are existing, the oldest one has to be updated by the newest one.

--> My example read and save to a DBF.

That is real synchronizing.

I need to do the same thing with the tasks.

Any idea ?

--> Yes, you need to save a new event in outlook, and take a number PADR( ocalendar:Items[ i ]:ConversationIndex, 45 ) UNIQUE and save in your DBF. (the number is something like this: 01C868AF1EC46949DA0314C440AA9FE7C122E63FE176)

Best regards.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:59 am
by driessen

Thanks a lot for your answer.

My problem still is :

How do I add, replace of delete items in Outlook ?

If I know how to do that, I think I must be able to establish a real synchronization.


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 7:40 am
by pymsoft

Something like this:

See the function ajrdv of Richard Chidiak ... ight=ajrdv

Best regards