Are there functions like:
09:01 +5 --> 09:06
09:01 -08:01--> 01:01
Thanks !
Shuming Wang
Are there time functions :09:01+5-->:09:06
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- pablovidal
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Estas Funciones las encontr en el Foro hace muchos años atras
Espero te sirvan...
Espero te sirvan...
Code: Select all
*+ Function TimeAsSeconds()
FUNCTION TimeAsSeconds( cTime )
RETURN VAL( cTime ) * 3600 + VAL( SUBSTR( cTime, 4 ) ) * 60 + VAL( SUBSTR( cTime, 7 ) )
*+ Function TimeAsSeconds()
FUNCTION TimeAsMinute( cTime )
LOCAL nSEC := VAL( cTime ) * 3600 + VAL( SUBSTR( cTime, 4 ) ) * 60 //+ VAL( SUBSTR( cTime, 7 ) )
RETURN( nSEC / 60 )
*+ Function TimeAsString()
FUNCTION TimeAsChar( nSeconds )
RETURN STRZERO( INT( MOD( nSeconds / 3600, 24 ) ), 2, 0 ) + ;
STRZERO( INT( MOD( nSeconds / 60, 60 ) ), 2, 0 ) + ;
STRZERO( INT( MOD( nSeconds, 60 ) ), 2, 0 )
*+ Function TimeAsString()
FUNCTION TimeAsString( nSeconds )
RETURN STRZERO( INT( MOD( nSeconds / 3600, 24 ) ), 2, 0 ) + ":" + ;
STRZERO( INT( MOD( nSeconds / 60, 60 ) ), 2, 0 ) + ":" + ;
STRZERO( INT( MOD( nSeconds, 60 ) ), 2, 0 )
*+ Function TimeDiff()
FUNCTION TimeDiff( cStartTime, cEndTime )
Default cEndTime := Time()
RETURN TimeAsString( IF( cEndTime < cStartTime, 86400, 0 ) + ;
TimeAsSeconds( cEndTime ) - TimeAsSeconds( cStartTime ) )
*+ Function TimeIsValid() 20:20:00
FUNCTION TimeIsValid( cTime )
RETURN VAL( cTime ) < 24 .AND. VAL( SUBSTR( cTime, 4 ) ) < 60 .AND. VAL( SUBSTR( cTime, 7 ) ) < 60
Pablo Alberto Vidal
Harbour 3.2.0, Fivewin 17.02, BCC7
Pablo Alberto Vidal
Harbour 3.2.0, Fivewin 17.02, BCC7
- jose_murugosa
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Re: Are there time functions :09:01+5-->:09:06
ShumingWang wrote:Hi,
Are there functions like:
09:01 +5 --> 09:06
09:01 -08:01--> 01:01
Thanks !
Shuming Wang
This ar native functions of xharbour:
Calculates the number of seconds from a time string.
Secs( <cTime>|<dDateTime> ) --> nSeconds
Converts numeric seconds into a time formatted character string.
TString( <nSeconds> ) --> cTimeString
I hope It may help.
José Murugosa
FWH + Harbour + Bcc7. Una seda!
José Murugosa
FWH + Harbour + Bcc7. Una seda!
- Posts: 454
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- Location: Guangzhou(Canton),China