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Possible to use <NESCAPEMENT 90*10> with TFont:New( ?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:02 pm
by ukoenig

I can define a Font in 2 ways :

1. DEFINE FONT ......
2. TFont:New(.........

With DEFINE FONT ....... you can add : NESCAPEMENT 90*10
to turn the text-line.

Is it possible to have the same option, when a font was defined
with TFont:New( .... ?



Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:09 pm
by Otto
Hello Uwe,

have a look into the ppo file and see how your call is preprocessed.

Do you have a release date for your dbf tool?


Turn Font 90° with TFont():New.....

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:03 pm
by ukoenig
Hello Otto,

In the moment i didn't carry on with the DB-tools.

The Visual-Tools ( the 2. project ) is nearly finished.
I started the project, because some people wanted
to create dialog-titles without any extra dll's or classes.
With the tools it is possible, to test gradients,
Color-combinations, Backgrounds for Windows,
Dialogs-, xBrowse-colors/brushes and font-combinations.
It is complete different to the DB-tools
and saves hours of work, when it is possible,
to test brushes, pictures, fonts and colors how they look together.

There is still the source-creator to do,
so it is possible, to write sample PRG's of the
created designs.

I will send you a early version, just to have a
look at it.
I think end of the week,
it will be finished, to put it in the forum.

Thank you
