>One type of functionality is to have a calendar dialog that controls other dialogs pertaining to what is happening on a given day at a given site. For each site and day you might want to display staffing, or bookings, or work done etc.
>These different aspects would relate to their own classes and it would be nice to keep the UI aspects of them sitting there.
OK, this sounds like a description of a Single Document Interface (SDI) similar to that of Outlook. I am a big fan of SDI.
I generally don't think of this as a dialog issue, although some dialogs may be used inside a folder, window, etc. although generally they don't look or act like dialogs.
>If you think of it the sort of behaviour I am looking for, it is really in keeping with the spirit of OO. Instantiate an object of class X and you can keep it there for repeated use until you destroy it - I am trying to make the UI component of my classes match that paradigm.
With a SDI I just show and hide the screens.
>Thanks for your input. I normally have a fairly pragmatic approach to programming, even if this query seems to be an example of the opposite.
>Indeed I wonder at the effort here consumed on (for example) the style of buttons, whereas I only need much more basic functionality. There's some very clever coding going on behind some of this, and I guess people are attracted by the latest style of button so programmers feel a need to respond, but in reality its all driven by mass marketing and doesn't really improve software usability at all IMHO.
You make valid points but you forget that without sales the usability of the software is of little importance. First you must have sales.
Users will buy a product based on the look of its interface. I even find myself leaning in this direction. If I see a screenshot of a program that has a 10 year old interface design, I am much less inclined to buy it that one with an up-to-date interface. One assumes that the functionality may be as old as the interface.
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Magic and Software Design
Also, remember that we programmers are of a different species, Homo Logicus. Users have a completely different view of the world than we do.