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A Preview on the xBROWSE - Tool

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:26 pm
by ukoenig

I finished the job on the xBrowse-Tool.
I think, it will be helpfull for the FWH-users.
The Tool writes the source of the done design.
There are notes included, on Lines, where you have
add your own source.
I' m still waiting for the new release FWH 8.04
to add the new features.
It works together with the Infobar-designer.
The look of the tool will have the design you have done.
When it is finished, i put it in the forum.
When there is still something missing, just tell me.




Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:31 am
by Silvio
DO you Know SETUP COL.prg ?
it' an old application for wbrowse but you can modify easy for xbeowse

db-tool SETUP-COL

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:14 pm
by ukoenig
Hello, Silvio

Maybe the tool can be helpfull, but i don't know it.

For me, the program has to be a lern-effect
for the new functions and what is possible to do with FWH.
So i try, to find out by myself what to do.
There are also many helpfull informations from
the forum users.

In the end, it could be someting usefull for everybody.

