Window with two Xbrowse

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Window with two Xbrowse

Post by Silvio »

Dear Antonio and all,

I must create in a window MDIchild two xbrowse( two dbf) divide by a splitter orizzontal

the xbrowse top must must init from 250 to with of the window because at the left I must insert an outllook2003 menu

The second Xbrowse ( on the bottom) must have a tab control on the bottom

have you an sample source as this ? ( see the picture)

Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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Two browsers in a Outlook-Child

Post by ukoenig »

Hello Silvio,

Is it that, what you are looking for ?
There are 2 different DBF.
They are set in Relation. When i change the position
in Browser 1, browser 2 shows the value as well.
I can seek in both. it is a bit more than a normal relation
There is a splitter in the middle ( vertical ).
No problem for a horizontal splitter.
There is no problem, to add if needed, some tabs as well.


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Multiple browse

Post by TimStone »

I would think you just need to create the resource to include all three controls ...

I use multiple browses a lot ... often with one viewing a database, the other viewing an array or database related to the browse, and there are also edit fields on the dialog related to one, or the other, browse.

Tim Stone
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Post by Silvio »

the problem are not the dbfs but the two xbrowse divide by orizzontal splitter

1.) in a window chil and not in a dialog !

2) 2 xbrowse divide by splitter orizontal

3) at left a vtaskbar menu

4) After vtaskbar menu and previous xbrowses must be an vertical splitter

5) thereis a button bar at the top of the first xbrowse and a tab control at the bottom of the second xbrowse

6) all must be resize when I resize the window

I hope you understand
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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