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Is it possible to add this DATA ( ::bEdit ) to TXBrowse()?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:01 am
by dutch
Is it possible to add this DATA to TXBrowse()?

Code: Select all

oLbx:bEdit:= {|nCol, cBuffer, lFirstEdit| ..... }  // from TWbrowse() of Hernan
I used TWBrowse() of Hernan and it's used a lot in my program.


Re: Is it possible to add this DATA ( ::bEdit ) to TXBrowse(

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:25 am
by Patrick Mast
dutch wrote:Is it possible to add this DATA to TXBrowse()?

Code: Select all

oLbx:bEdit:= {|nCol, cBuffer, lFirstEdit| ..... }  // from TWbrowse() of Hernan
I used TWBrowse() of Hernan and it's used a lot in my program.

Good idea!


Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:25 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
In the case of xBrowse, edit behavior is to be specified for the individual columns to be edited.

We specify the mode of edit of the column as oCol:nEdittype := EDIT_GET or EDIT_LISTBOX etc.

We also suplly a codeblock oCol:bOnPostEdit. After the user edits the column, this block is evaluated with oCol, EditedValue, LastKey as parameters.

Simple example of usage can be found in mallorca.prg in the samples folder

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:28 am
by dutch
Dear NageswaraRao,
nageswaragunupudi wrote:In the case of xBrowse, edit behavior is to be specified for the individual columns to be edited.
I like edit mode for the all column continuously. Because I use this as enter a transaction, it will be completed after enter data in all columns in the line. This is the example of TWBrowse() of Hernan.

Code: Select all

#include ""

Function Main()
 LOCAL aTotal:= {0,0,0, Nil, Nil, Nil}
 LOCAL aDatos:= {} // Array MultiDimensional
                   // Cod.Art.  Descrip.  Cantidad  $Unitario  $Total  MarcaDeNuevo
 LOCAL l3d:= .F.
 LOCAL oDlg, oLbx, cPic:= "@ze 999,999.99", oFont
 LOCAL hBmp:= ReadBitMap( 0, "finger.bmp" ) // Dedicado a mi amigo Mario Goanzalez

    If Alert("Quiere verlo en 3D ??", {"Aceptar","Cancelar"}) == 1
       l3D:= .T.

    DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Times New Roman" SIZE 0,-15 BOLD

    DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 0,0 TO 21,55 TITLE "::bEdit's TWBrowse Power !!!"

       TWBrowse():lHScroll:= .F.
       @2,2 LISTBOX oLbx FIELDS ""                                      ;
                         HEADER "Id","Articulo", "Descripcion", "Cantidad",  ;
                                "Unitario", "Total"                     ;
                         OF oDlg SIZE 207,100 PIXEL                     ;
                         SIZES 25,50, 130, 67,60,60

           oLbx:bLine:= {|nAt| nAt:= oLbx:nAt,                      ;
                               If( Len(aDatos)<1 .or. nAt>Len(aDatos),;
                                 Array(6),                            ;
                                 { If( oLbx!=Nil .and. oLbx:lSelect, hBmp, 0 ),;
                                   If( aDatos[nAt,1]==0,Space(4),StrZero( aDatos[nAt,1], 4 ) ),    ;
                                   aDatos[nAt,2],                       ;
                                   Transform( aDatos[nAt,3], cPic ),    ;
                                   Transform( aDatos[nAt,4], cPic ),    ;
                                   Transform( aDatos[nAt,5], cPic )  } ) }

           oLbx:aJustify:= { 2, 2, .f., .t., .t. , .t. }
           oLbx:SetArray( aDatos )

           oLbx:lAdjLastCol:= .f.

           oLbx:lAutoEdit  := .t.
           oLbx:lAutoSkip  := .t.

           oLbx:nLineStyle  := 2
           oLbx:nHeaderStyle:= 2

           oLbx:bBkColor:= {|nRow,nCol,nStyle| ;
                              if( nStyle==1,if( nCol%2==0, CLR_RED   , CLR_GREEN ),) }
           oLbx:bTextColor:= {|nRow,nCol,nStyle| ;
                              if( nStyle==1,if( nCol%2==0, CLR_YELLOW, CLR_WHITE ),) }
           If l3D

           oLbx:bEdit:= {|nCol, cBuffer, lFirstEdit|;
                          EditaCelda( oLbx, nCol, cBuffer, aDatos, lFirstEdit, aTotal ) }

       @105, 110 SAY "Neto Gravado " OF oDlg PIXEL
       @115, 110 SAY "I.V.A. 21%   " OF oDlg PIXEL
       @125, 110 SAY "Total        " OF oDlg PIXEL
       @105, 150 SAY aTotal[4] PROMPT aTotal[1] PICTURE '@ZE 999,999.99' OF oDlg PIXEL RIGHT SIZE 50,10
       @115, 150 SAY aTotal[5] PROMPT aTotal[2] PICTURE '@ZE 999,999.99' OF oDlg PIXEL RIGHT SIZE 50,10
       @125, 150 SAY aTotal[6] PROMPT aTotal[3] PICTURE '@ZE 999,999.99' OF oDlg PIXEL RIGHT SIZE 50,10

       @137,10  BUTTON "Agrega" OF oDlg PIXEL ;
                ACTION ( NewReg( aDatos, oLbx ), oLbx:Edit() )  SIZE 50,Nil

       @137,80  BUTTON "Modifica" OF oDlg PIXEL ;
                ACTION If( Len(aDatos) > 0 .and.                      ;
                           oLbx:nAt <= Len(aDatos) .and. oLbx:nAt > 0,;
                           oLbx:Edit(), )       SIZE 50,Nil

       @137,150 BUTTON "Elimina" OF oDlg PIXEL ;
                ACTION If( Len(aDatos) > 0 .and.                      ;
                           oLbx:nAt <= Len(aDatos) .and. oLbx:nAt > 0 .and.  ;
                           Alert("Borra ?",{"ok","Cancela"}) == 1,      ;
                           DelReg( aDatos, oLbx, aTotal ),)  SIZE 50,Nil


 ReleaseDC( hBmp )

return Nil

Function GetSysFont() ; return "MS Sans Serif"

STATIC Function EditaCelda( oLbx, nCol, cBuffer, aDatos, lFirstEdit, aTotal )
 LOCAL aResult, nAt:= oLbx:nAt, uBuffer, lContinue:= .t.
 LOCAL bValid, nColReal:= nCol

    nCol--  // Para que sea como si no exisiera BitMap

    uBuffer:= aDatos[nAt,nCol]

    While .t.

       Do Case
          Case ( nCol == 2 .or. nCol == 5 ) .and. lFirstEdit
               Alert( "Columnas NO EDITABLES" )
               return .f.

          Case nCol == 1
               bValid:= {|| If( Empty( aResult:= SeekItem( uBuffer ) ), ;
                            (Alert( "Codigo Articulo Inexistente :-("),.F.) , .T. ) }

               If lContinue:= oLbx:lEditCol( nColReal, @uBuffer, "@ZE 9999", bValid,,CLR_YELLOW )
                  aDatos[nAt,1]:= uBuffer
                  aDatos[nAt,2]:= aResult[1]
                  aDatos[nAt,4]:= aResult[2]

          Case nCol == 3  // Cantidad
               If lContinue:= oLbx:lEditCol( nColReal,  @uBuffer, "@ZE 999,999.99",,,CLR_YELLOW )
                  If uBuffer <= 0
                     Alert("Debe Especificar una cantidad !!!")
                  aDatos[nAt,3]:= uBuffer

          Case nCol == 4  // Unitario
               If lContinue:= oLbx:lEditCol( nColReal, @uBuffer, "@ZE 999,999.99",,,CLR_YELLOW )
                  aDatos[nAt,4]:= uBuffer
                  aDatos[nAt,6]:= .f.  // Ya no es un Nuevo Registro !!!

          Case nCol == 5 .and. ! lFirstEdit .and. Len( aDatos ) == nAt
               NewReg( aDatos, oLbx )


       If ! lContinue .and. aDatos[nAt,6] // Se habia agregado un nuevo Item !!!
          If Alert( "Cancela este Nuevo Registro", { "Ok","Cancelar" } ) == 1
             DelReg( aDatos, oLbx, aTotal )
             return .f.



    If Len( aDatos ) > 0
       aDatos[nAt,5]:= Round( aDatos[nAt,3] * aDatos[nAt,4], 2 )
       Suma( aDatos, aTotal )

    If lContinue
       Do Case
       Case oLbx:nLastKey == VK_UP
          return If( !GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT), -3, -2 )
       Case oLbx:nLastKey == VK_DOWN
          return If( !GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT),  3,  2 )
       Case oLbx:nLastKey == VK_TAB
          return If( GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT), -1, 1 )

return lContinue

STATIC Function SeekItem( nCod )  // Simulamos busqueda en Base de Datos :-)

    If nCod >= 1 .and. nCod <= 500
       return { "Producto " + StrZero( nCod, 4 ), nCod + 0.55 }

return ""
STATIC Function NewReg( aDatos, oLbx )
    Aadd( aDatos, {0,"",0,0,0,.t.} )
    oLbx:lHitBottom:= .f.
return Nil
STATIC Function DelReg( aDatos, oLbx, aTotal )
    ADel( aDatos, oLbx:nAt )
    ASize( aDatos, Len( aDatos ) - 1 )
    Suma( aDatos, aTotal )
return Nil
STATIC Function Suma( aDatos, aTotal )
    aTotal[1]:= 0
    AEval( aDatos, {|aItem| aTotal[1]+= aItem[5] } )
    aTotal[1]:= Round( aTotal[1], 2 )
    aTotal[2]:= Round( aTotal[1] * 0.21, 2 )
    aTotal[3]:= Round( aTotal[1] + aTotal[2],2 )
    AEval( aTotal, {|oSay| oSay:Refresh(.F.) }, 4 )

return Nil