Is it possible to add this DATA ( ::bEdit ) to TXBrowse()?

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Is it possible to add this DATA ( ::bEdit ) to TXBrowse()?

Post by dutch »

Is it possible to add this DATA to TXBrowse()?

Code: Select all

oLbx:bEdit:= {|nCol, cBuffer, lFirstEdit| ..... }  // from TWbrowse() of Hernan
I used TWBrowse() of Hernan and it's used a lot in my program.

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Patrick Mast
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Re: Is it possible to add this DATA ( ::bEdit ) to TXBrowse(

Post by Patrick Mast »

dutch wrote:Is it possible to add this DATA to TXBrowse()?

Code: Select all

oLbx:bEdit:= {|nCol, cBuffer, lFirstEdit| ..... }  // from TWbrowse() of Hernan
I used TWBrowse() of Hernan and it's used a lot in my program.

Good idea!

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Post by nageswaragunupudi »

In the case of xBrowse, edit behavior is to be specified for the individual columns to be edited.

We specify the mode of edit of the column as oCol:nEdittype := EDIT_GET or EDIT_LISTBOX etc.

We also suplly a codeblock oCol:bOnPostEdit. After the user edits the column, this block is evaluated with oCol, EditedValue, LastKey as parameters.

Simple example of usage can be found in mallorca.prg in the samples folder

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Post by dutch »

Dear NageswaraRao,
nageswaragunupudi wrote:In the case of xBrowse, edit behavior is to be specified for the individual columns to be edited.
I like edit mode for the all column continuously. Because I use this as enter a transaction, it will be completed after enter data in all columns in the line. This is the example of TWBrowse() of Hernan.

Code: Select all

#include ""

Function Main()
 LOCAL aTotal:= {0,0,0, Nil, Nil, Nil}
 LOCAL aDatos:= {} // Array MultiDimensional
                   // Cod.Art.  Descrip.  Cantidad  $Unitario  $Total  MarcaDeNuevo
 LOCAL l3d:= .F.
 LOCAL oDlg, oLbx, cPic:= "@ze 999,999.99", oFont
 LOCAL hBmp:= ReadBitMap( 0, "finger.bmp" ) // Dedicado a mi amigo Mario Goanzalez

    If Alert("Quiere verlo en 3D ??", {"Aceptar","Cancelar"}) == 1
       l3D:= .T.

    DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Times New Roman" SIZE 0,-15 BOLD

    DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 0,0 TO 21,55 TITLE "::bEdit's TWBrowse Power !!!"

       TWBrowse():lHScroll:= .F.
       @2,2 LISTBOX oLbx FIELDS ""                                      ;
                         HEADER "Id","Articulo", "Descripcion", "Cantidad",  ;
                                "Unitario", "Total"                     ;
                         OF oDlg SIZE 207,100 PIXEL                     ;
                         SIZES 25,50, 130, 67,60,60

           oLbx:bLine:= {|nAt| nAt:= oLbx:nAt,                      ;
                               If( Len(aDatos)<1 .or. nAt>Len(aDatos),;
                                 Array(6),                            ;
                                 { If( oLbx!=Nil .and. oLbx:lSelect, hBmp, 0 ),;
                                   If( aDatos[nAt,1]==0,Space(4),StrZero( aDatos[nAt,1], 4 ) ),    ;
                                   aDatos[nAt,2],                       ;
                                   Transform( aDatos[nAt,3], cPic ),    ;
                                   Transform( aDatos[nAt,4], cPic ),    ;
                                   Transform( aDatos[nAt,5], cPic )  } ) }

           oLbx:aJustify:= { 2, 2, .f., .t., .t. , .t. }
           oLbx:SetArray( aDatos )

           oLbx:lAdjLastCol:= .f.

           oLbx:lAutoEdit  := .t.
           oLbx:lAutoSkip  := .t.

           oLbx:nLineStyle  := 2
           oLbx:nHeaderStyle:= 2

           oLbx:bBkColor:= {|nRow,nCol,nStyle| ;
                              if( nStyle==1,if( nCol%2==0, CLR_RED   , CLR_GREEN ),) }
           oLbx:bTextColor:= {|nRow,nCol,nStyle| ;
                              if( nStyle==1,if( nCol%2==0, CLR_YELLOW, CLR_WHITE ),) }
           If l3D

           oLbx:bEdit:= {|nCol, cBuffer, lFirstEdit|;
                          EditaCelda( oLbx, nCol, cBuffer, aDatos, lFirstEdit, aTotal ) }

       @105, 110 SAY "Neto Gravado " OF oDlg PIXEL
       @115, 110 SAY "I.V.A. 21%   " OF oDlg PIXEL
       @125, 110 SAY "Total        " OF oDlg PIXEL
       @105, 150 SAY aTotal[4] PROMPT aTotal[1] PICTURE '@ZE 999,999.99' OF oDlg PIXEL RIGHT SIZE 50,10
       @115, 150 SAY aTotal[5] PROMPT aTotal[2] PICTURE '@ZE 999,999.99' OF oDlg PIXEL RIGHT SIZE 50,10
       @125, 150 SAY aTotal[6] PROMPT aTotal[3] PICTURE '@ZE 999,999.99' OF oDlg PIXEL RIGHT SIZE 50,10

       @137,10  BUTTON "Agrega" OF oDlg PIXEL ;
                ACTION ( NewReg( aDatos, oLbx ), oLbx:Edit() )  SIZE 50,Nil

       @137,80  BUTTON "Modifica" OF oDlg PIXEL ;
                ACTION If( Len(aDatos) > 0 .and.                      ;
                           oLbx:nAt <= Len(aDatos) .and. oLbx:nAt > 0,;
                           oLbx:Edit(), )       SIZE 50,Nil

       @137,150 BUTTON "Elimina" OF oDlg PIXEL ;
                ACTION If( Len(aDatos) > 0 .and.                      ;
                           oLbx:nAt <= Len(aDatos) .and. oLbx:nAt > 0 .and.  ;
                           Alert("Borra ?",{"ok","Cancela"}) == 1,      ;
                           DelReg( aDatos, oLbx, aTotal ),)  SIZE 50,Nil


 ReleaseDC( hBmp )

return Nil

Function GetSysFont() ; return "MS Sans Serif"

STATIC Function EditaCelda( oLbx, nCol, cBuffer, aDatos, lFirstEdit, aTotal )
 LOCAL aResult, nAt:= oLbx:nAt, uBuffer, lContinue:= .t.
 LOCAL bValid, nColReal:= nCol

    nCol--  // Para que sea como si no exisiera BitMap

    uBuffer:= aDatos[nAt,nCol]

    While .t.

       Do Case
          Case ( nCol == 2 .or. nCol == 5 ) .and. lFirstEdit
               Alert( "Columnas NO EDITABLES" )
               return .f.

          Case nCol == 1
               bValid:= {|| If( Empty( aResult:= SeekItem( uBuffer ) ), ;
                            (Alert( "Codigo Articulo Inexistente :-("),.F.) , .T. ) }

               If lContinue:= oLbx:lEditCol( nColReal, @uBuffer, "@ZE 9999", bValid,,CLR_YELLOW )
                  aDatos[nAt,1]:= uBuffer
                  aDatos[nAt,2]:= aResult[1]
                  aDatos[nAt,4]:= aResult[2]

          Case nCol == 3  // Cantidad
               If lContinue:= oLbx:lEditCol( nColReal,  @uBuffer, "@ZE 999,999.99",,,CLR_YELLOW )
                  If uBuffer <= 0
                     Alert("Debe Especificar una cantidad !!!")
                  aDatos[nAt,3]:= uBuffer

          Case nCol == 4  // Unitario
               If lContinue:= oLbx:lEditCol( nColReal, @uBuffer, "@ZE 999,999.99",,,CLR_YELLOW )
                  aDatos[nAt,4]:= uBuffer
                  aDatos[nAt,6]:= .f.  // Ya no es un Nuevo Registro !!!

          Case nCol == 5 .and. ! lFirstEdit .and. Len( aDatos ) == nAt
               NewReg( aDatos, oLbx )


       If ! lContinue .and. aDatos[nAt,6] // Se habia agregado un nuevo Item !!!
          If Alert( "Cancela este Nuevo Registro", { "Ok","Cancelar" } ) == 1
             DelReg( aDatos, oLbx, aTotal )
             return .f.



    If Len( aDatos ) > 0
       aDatos[nAt,5]:= Round( aDatos[nAt,3] * aDatos[nAt,4], 2 )
       Suma( aDatos, aTotal )

    If lContinue
       Do Case
       Case oLbx:nLastKey == VK_UP
          return If( !GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT), -3, -2 )
       Case oLbx:nLastKey == VK_DOWN
          return If( !GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT),  3,  2 )
       Case oLbx:nLastKey == VK_TAB
          return If( GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT), -1, 1 )

return lContinue

STATIC Function SeekItem( nCod )  // Simulamos busqueda en Base de Datos :-)

    If nCod >= 1 .and. nCod <= 500
       return { "Producto " + StrZero( nCod, 4 ), nCod + 0.55 }

return ""
STATIC Function NewReg( aDatos, oLbx )
    Aadd( aDatos, {0,"",0,0,0,.t.} )
    oLbx:lHitBottom:= .f.
return Nil
STATIC Function DelReg( aDatos, oLbx, aTotal )
    ADel( aDatos, oLbx:nAt )
    ASize( aDatos, Len( aDatos ) - 1 )
    Suma( aDatos, aTotal )
return Nil
STATIC Function Suma( aDatos, aTotal )
    aTotal[1]:= 0
    AEval( aDatos, {|aItem| aTotal[1]+= aItem[5] } )
    aTotal[1]:= Round( aTotal[1], 2 )
    aTotal[2]:= Round( aTotal[1] * 0.21, 2 )
    aTotal[3]:= Round( aTotal[1] + aTotal[2],2 )
    AEval( aTotal, {|oSay| oSay:Refresh(.F.) }, 4 )

return Nil
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