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Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 10:25 pm
by Otto
Hello Carlos,
thank you for your advice and posting your screen shot.
In this case starting with TWeb my callenge is to program a clone of my DOS program.
The start screen is ready.
Best regards


Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 2:38 am
by hua
Thank you for sharing with us your step by step progress Otto. Am looking forward to learn from your experience

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:58 am
by Otto
Hello Hua,
thank you for your kind words.

Code: Select all

aprint(23,12,padr("             "+chr(24)+"/"+chr(25)+" = Auswahl  "+;
                chr(27)+chr(196)+chr(217)+ " = Entscheidung ", 57),atoattr(farb[5]))

$oGroup = new TGroup( $oWnd, 'mygroup' , 415, 10,'' );  
$oGroup->SetRight( 10 );        
$oGroup->SetBottom( 10 );       

$oBtn = new TButton( $oGroup, 'mybutton' , 6, 10,  '↑', 'dummy()', 22,25 );    
$oBtn = new TButton( $oGroup, 'mybutton' , 6, 40,  '↓', 'dummy()', 22,25 );    
$oBtn = new TButton( $oGroup, 'mybutton' , 6,620 , '↵', 'dummy()', 20,25 );
Now I will try to open and close "WINDOWS" like I had in my DOS APP. ENTER / ESC to navigate.
Best regards


Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 11:09 pm
by MauroArevalo

Congratulations, I'm following you, thank you for sharing your results.

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 7:03 pm
by Otto
Hello Mauro,
I am glad you like it and hope you join development.

I will publish a download and test link.
Now I have keyboard and mouse navigation ( DOS style ) ready.
Best regards

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 4:32 pm
by TimStone

It's nice work. Where do we find tWeb ? I could consider exploring that in the coming months.

I would like to share one thought, however, about the whole idea of duplicating a DOS based system. When I moved from DOS to Windows programming in 1999, many of my clients were resisting the new look of the interface. However, once they actually experienced how much easier it is to have Windows in charge, and how you can do so many different operations from one window, they fell in love with the time savings. Yes, there was a period of adjustment, but it didn't last long and none of them are unhappy.

One thing I learned is that people who use tools ( like computers ) don't often like change. However, they do like saving time, and especially with computers, saving keystrokes.


Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 5:07 pm
by Marc Vanzegbroeck

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:19 pm
by Otto
Test link:

Navigation is ready.
You can navigate with the scroll keys select with ENTER key and go back with ESC key.
I inserted for submenus screen shots from the DOS program. For cloning this seems a good solution.
Please look how speedy the APP works.
Now I re-program the screens and function.
Best regards


Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:49 am
by Otto
I wish you all a happy Easter.
After Easter I will continue to work on my project and will post my questions again.
All the best

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 8:36 am
by Otto ... e/main.php

I am a bit further with my DOS-like navigation.
You can navigate to a menu entry with scroll buttons, select with ENTER and back with ESC button.

Here you can already test:

Módulos -> Tablas / Tables
-> Fibu
There are dummy screens here.

Stammdatenwartung works already.
With ENTER you select and then you can get off with ESC again.

Best regards


Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 2:45 pm
by Otto
I would like to give you an update about the status of the development.
I could realize all what I wanted with TWeb so fare.
I have completely the same navigation like we had in our DOS program and this is for selling an update to our existing customers very important.
My windows version flopped. ... g/main.php

You can try following menu point which are ready:
try using ENTER and ESC - at the moment we are working on F2/F3 new/edit keys.
Anzeige + Druckprogramme opens a submenu
Stammdatenwartung opens a new window with a grid

Data is coming from SQL. For uploading and converting the dbf files to the server we use following Fivewin function:

Code: Select all

function f_op()

  local cTable := "op"

   oCn   := maria_Connect( cServer,  "fibu", "user", "pw" )
   IF oCn == nil
      ? "Connect fail"

   IF oCn:TableExists( cTable )
      oCn:DropTable( cTable )

        //This opens the dbf file, creates a table with the same structure and copies the data. By default, it creates the table with the same name as the dbf. If we want a different table name, we can give that as the second paramter.

    oCn:ImportFromDBF( "c:\TWeb\fibu dbf files\OP.DBF" )


return nil
Best regards
Anzeige + Druckprogramme opens a submenu
Stammdatenwartung opens a new window with a grid ... g/main.php

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 5:07 pm
by Otto

now you can navigate from grid with "F2" key and open an input form.
From menu
<Stammdatenwartung> then the grid is opened
F2 is same as new button ... g/main.php

Best regards

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 6:19 pm
by Otto
I would like to post a new link for a test.
Many functions are ready. ... g/main.php

Best regards

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:28 pm
by Otto

In the meantime I have switched to mod harbour. TWeb is ready for mod harbour.

I take my existing desktop program and make some changes there.

Changes in source code - Fivewin local server calls fibu.exe if there is a request.

Requests are handled with the help of files. If there is a new request file in the directory, the exe is started.

If the fibu.exe is started with a parameter, then the function which creates the reports is called directly.

There are only very few changes in the source code necessary.

Code from 1995 rock-solid proved over the years creates the web report with very few changes.

No testing is needed. WOW.

The PDF printer driver converts the report to PDF files, which you view in mod harbour over the internet.

Antonio, thank you so much for mod harbour.

Have a nice Sunday




Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:36 pm
by Otto
... with only these little changes my reports are now internet reports.

Best regards,


Setup PDF driver
