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Re: c:\fwh\samples\poker\poker.prg

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 9:32 am
by Jimmy
Silvio.Falconi wrote:where I can write to you ?
thx for help

Re: c:\fwh\samples\poker\poker.prg

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 10:10 pm
by Jimmy

back to my Question : load Resource

under Xbase++ i can't use "Cards.DLL", ExtractIcon() does not count any Resource. :shock:
using ResHacker i can see all Resource but as i say i can't load it under Xbase++ :(

now i like to ask if it work with harbour / FiveWin :?:

here is a harbour MiniGUI Sample like my Xbase++ Code to extract Icon

Code: Select all

Function MyDrawIcons()
   LOCAL nJ := 0, nI, cStr, cObj, nRow := 10, nCol
   LOCAL nWidth  := Form_1.Width
   LOCAL cIconSrc := System.SystemFolder + "\imageres.dll"
   LOCAL nCount := ExtractIcon( cIconSrc, -1 ) - 1

   FOR nI := 0 TO nCount

       nCol := 10 + 70 * ( ++nJ - 1 )
       IF nCol > nWidth - 80
          nRow += 70
          nJ := 1
          nCol := 10

       cObj := "Btn_"+LTRIM(STR(nI))
       @ nRow, nCol  BUTTON &cObj    ;
         OF Form_1                   ;
         ICON cIconSrc               ;
         EXTRACT nI FLAT             ;
         WIDTH 38  HEIGHT 38         ;
         ACTION SaveThisIcon( cIconSrc, Val( SubStr( This.Name, At( "_", This.Name ) + 1 ) ) )

       cObj := "Lbl_"+LTRIM(STR(nI))
       cStr := "nI="+LTRIM(STR(nI))
       @ nRow + 40, nCol LABEL &cObj ;
         OF Form_1 VALUE cStr        ;
         WIDTH 60 HEIGHT 12          ;

       IF nI % 18 == 0
          DO EVENTS

Return NIL

Re: c:\fwh\samples\poker\poker.prg

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 11:37 am
by bpd2000
Jimmy wrote:
cnavarro wrote:Try with buildh.bat
YES ...

Question : when using BUILD.BAT and when BUILDh.BAT :?:

now i got EXE ... but it is only empty Form :(
in Source i have something like this

Code: Select all

   set resources to "cards.dll" 
so where does "card1.bmp" come from :?:
i can't "see" how Resource work.
Refer ... ap-access#


Re: c:\fwh\samples\poker\poker.prg

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 11:45 am
by cnavarro
Very interesting, thanks

Re: c:\fwh\samples\poker\poker.prg

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 8:29 pm
by Jimmy
that is what i search to get more Information about it, THX